Work Study Employment Guide

Federal Work Study - Job Listing

This program provides part-time employment to help students pay for their educational expenses. It allows them to practice communication, interpersonal skills, and time management, all of which will help prepare students for future careers. The federal government pays 100% of the student’s earnings throughout the school year, and income earned through the FWS program does not have to be repaid.


Students must complete the current-year Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and all other federal aid requirements before eligibility can be considered. Not all students are eligible for FWS. Only degree-seeking students with unmet financial need according to the FAFSA can qualify for FWS. Dual enrollment students are not eligible to participate in the Federal Work Study Program.

Additionally, students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress and maintain at least half-time (6 hours) enrollment. If a student drops below half-time enrollment at any point during the term, the student is immediately terminated from the program. However, students interested in working the summer term are only required to be enrolled in at least three (3) credit hours or preregistered for the fall in at least six (6) credit hours.

Federal Work Study funds are limited and awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis until the funds are depleted. The award amounts are generally $5,400.00 ($2,700.00 for fall and $2,700.00 for spring).

Students cannot have more than one FWS position, and institutional employees are not qualified to also hold a FWS position.

Job Posting

Qualified students must search for available positions and discuss availability with campus supervisors. Review the list of open positions and contact supervisor of the desired position to notify them you are interested in a Federal Work Study job. If student is eligible, the supervisor may create a student employment contract and notify student to complete the contract. Unfortunately, not all qualified students will receive job placement.


Institutional Work Study

This program is fully funded (100%) by departmental budgets. These positions are based simply on the availability of funds in each department and do not depend on any financial need.


Students must be accepted into a program as a degree-seeking student OR dual enrollment student and be enrolled in at least six (6) credit hours prior to working as an institutional worker. Completing the Federal Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is not required for employment. (All other Federal Work Study rules/regulations apply to Institutional Work Study students).


More Information

Hiring Procedures & Requirements

Students are responsible for completing all of the requirements below:

  • Student Employment Contract
  • Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification. (Human Resources will need to see Social Security Card to verify legal name if it was not used as identification for I-9 Form.)
  • Documentation used for Identification (refer to I-9 form for list of acceptable documents)
  • Form W-4, Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate
  • Direct Deposit Agreement Form
  • Voided Check OR Document from Bank including Account and Routing number
  • Work Study Student Training form (must be submitted to Financial Aid)


Hours & Pay

Federal Work Study is limited to Fall and Spring only and is not available from May 16 to August 15, during which time FWS students will be considered and treated as IWS students. Students are paid once a month (on the last business day of the month) in the form of direct deposit to the student’s bank account. The standard pay for most campus positions is $10.00 per hour. The student and supervisor should establish a work schedule within the guidelines below that is acceptable to both parties. Violation of any guidelines can result in immediate termination.

Guidelines for work hours:

  • Students can work a maximum of 20 hours per week while classes are in session.
  • Students can work a maximum of 27 hours per week while classes are not in session (ex. spring break).
  • Overtime is not authorized for student employees under any circumstances.
  • If a student works over 6 hours, they are required by federal law to take a 30 minute break.
  • Falsification of reported hours will result in termination from the program.
  • Federal Work Study students are prohibited from working during scheduled class times.
  • Time worked should be recorded in quarter periods (15 minutes = .25, 30 minutes = .5045 minutes = .75, etc.)


Example Pay Period Schedule

Fall Semester

Spring Semester

Summer Semester

July 1 – July 15

December 16 – January 15

May 16 – June 15

July 16 – August 15

January 16 – February 15

June 16 – June 30

August 16 – September 15

February 16 – March 15


September 16 – October 15

March 16 – April 15


October 16 – November 15

April 16 – May 15


November 16 – December 15



Students are exempt from Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) taxes as long as the student is enrolled in a minimum of 6 hours (half time). FICA tax is a government tax to fund Social Security and Medicare. The employee’s share is 6.2% of gross pay for Social Security and 1.45% of gross pay for Medicare. However, all students are subject to federal and state income taxes.

Federal Work Study students are eligible to earn up to the amount awarded on their student account. Any portion of the award that remains unearned will be forfeited and cannot be rolled over to a subsequent academic year. Federal Work Study funds are disbursed like all other financial aid resources. Students can view the amount they have been paid-to-date by following the tutorial below:

How to View Your Financial Aid Award



Students who do not comply with the expectations below will be subject to forfeiture of their Federal Work Study position and any unearned funds awarded on their account.

  • Students are not permitted to spend scheduled work hours on personal activities. Federal Work Study does not pay students to socialize.
  • Students are not permitted to spend scheduled work hours on school work. Federal Work Study does not pay students to complete homework.
  • Please dress appropriately and professionally during scheduled work hours.
  • Students are required to perform effectively, honestly, and punctually during work hours.
  • It is the responsibility of the student to notify the supervisor in advance if he/she is not able to report for work on time or unable to attend work.


Disciplinary Action

The College will impose the appropriate sanction(s) on any student worker who fails to comply with Work-Study rules and regulations. As a condition of employment, each student worker must abide by the terms of this policy. The following incidents (but not limited to) may result in disciplinary action:

  • Continued unsatisfactory job performance
  • Poor attitude
  • Excessive absences or any absence without notice
  • Repeated tardiness
  • Job Abandonment
  • Unprofessional attire
  • Falsification of hours reported on timesheet (results in immediate termination)
  • Theft
  • Violation of confidentiality agreement
  • Negligence or improper conduct leading to damage of Chattanooga State owned property
  • Insubordination or other disrespectful conduct
  • Fighting or threatening violence in the workplace
  • Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information
  • Violation of department’s rules and regulations

Possible disciplinary action for students who fail to comply with the terms of this policy may include the following: (1) Warning, (2) Reprimand, (3) Probation, (4) Termination, (5) Mandatory satisfactory completion of a drug/alcohol abuse or rehabilitation program, or (6) Referral for prosecution.


Drug-Free Policy

The unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession, or use of alcohol and illicit drugs on the Chattanooga State campus, on property owned or controlled by the College, or as part of any activity of the College is strictly prohibited. All employees, students, and visitors are subject to all applicable federal, state, and local laws related to this matter. Any violation of this policy will result in disciplinary actions.

Possible maximum penalties for first-time violations include:

  • Supervised release
  • Imprisonment for a period up to life
  • Fines of up to $4,000.00
  • Any combination of the above

These sanctions are doubled when the offense involves distribution or possession at or near a school or college campus, or distribution to persons less than 21 years of age.

The College will impose the appropriate sanction(s) on any employee or student who fails to comply with the terms of this policy.

As a condition of employment, each employee, including student employees, must abide by the terms of this policy, and must notify their immediate supervisor of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. Possible disciplinary sanctions for failure to comply with this policy, including failure to notify of conviction, may include one (1) or more of the following:

  • Letter of warning
  • Probation
  • Suspension
  • Termination
  • Mandatory satisfactory completion of a drug/alcohol abuse or rehabilitation program
  • Referral for prosecution

Possible disciplinary action for students who fail to comply with the terms of this policy may include the following:

  • Warning
  • Reprimand
  • Probation
  • Suspension
  • Expulsion
  • Mandatory satisfactory completion of a drug/alcohol abuse or rehabilitation program
  • Referral for prosecution


Drug Testing

Employees are prohibited, while on duty or on college property, from being under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs. If the College has reason to believe that an employee is under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs, it may require the employee to submit to drug testing. A positive drug test will result in immediate termination.


Verifying the Type of Student Worker

Supervisors are responsible for verifying if a student qualifies for Federal or Institutional Work Study prior to completing an employment contract. Supervisors can verify this information by sending an email to Karis Valentine with the student's name and A#. If a student is not eligible for Federal Work Study, yet the supervisor hires the student worker, the student will automatically be considered an Institutional Work Study student and the department will be responsible for 100% of the student’s pay.


Job Listing

All departments are required to publicize Work Study positions on the job listing webpage. If the positions have been filled, you may contact Financial Aid to close the job posting. Please follow the instructions below to complete the request:

  1. Login to Tiger Web
  2. Scroll Down to Faculty & Staff Info
  3. Select Forms
  4. Scroll to the Financial Aid General Forms section
  5. Select Request to Post a Student Employment Vacancy (You will be redirected to the Dynamic Forms webpage - if you do not have log-in credentials, create one)
  6. Populate required fields
  7. Complete form
  8. Click Next
  9. Sign Electronically


Verifying Student Eligibility / Finalizing Employment

It is the student’s responsibility to search for a Work Study job on the job listing webpage. Please review the steps below on how to verify student eligibility and finalizing employment:

  1. Student will contact supervisor regarding job posting
  2. Upon hire, supervisor verifies student eligibility with the Work Study Coordinator (prior to creating contract)
  3. Interview with potential student worker will be scheduled by the supervisor (optional)
  4. If student is eligible for Work Study, the supervisor may create a Student Employment Contract
  5. The supervisor will notify student to submit documents needed to secure student employment to Human Resources CBIH-222
  6. Work Study Coordinator with give final authorization via email to supervisor allowing student to begin working.


Employment Contract & Documents

All supervisors must submit a new contract each academic year in order for a time card to be established. Students are not allowed to begin working until Financial Aid has reviewed all documents and has given the final authorization. The student will be notified via email to complete the student section of the form. To ensure faster processing time, the supervisor should advise the student when they have completed their section. Please follow the instructions below to complete the contract:

  1. Login to Tiger Web
  2. Click on the Faculty/Staff tab
  3. Select Forms
  4. Scroll to the Financial Aid General Forms section
  5. Select the Student Employment Contract (You will be redirected to the Dynamic Forms webpage - if you do not have log-in credentials, create one)
  6. Click Complete This Form
  7. Enter the Student’s Name and Chattanooga State Email Address
  8. Press Save and Continue to Form
  9. Complete the Supervisor Section ONLY
  10. Click Next
  11. Sign Electronically


Monitoring Hours

All supervisors will receive a monthly report of student’s remaining award balance.  Be advised, the balance may slightly differ due to timing issues. However, it is still the supervisors’ responsibility to monitor the student hours and to ensure they do not exceed hours or award amounts and make sure the student is not working during class time. Exceptions are permitted if an individual class is canceled. If a supervisor allows a student to exceed their FWS award amount then the excess amount over the award will be charged to the department’s budget and student will be classified as an institutional worker.


Working During Class Time

Work Study students are prohibited from working during scheduled class times, however, exceptions are permitted if an individual class is canceled, dismissed early, or if the instructor has excused the student from attending for a particular day. In such case, the student must complete the Work Study During Class Time Exception form for EACH day this occurs. Please follow the instructions below to complete the form:

  1. Login to Tiger Web from the ChattState home page
  2. Under Student Info, select Financial Aid
  3. From the list, choose “Work Study During Class Time Exception”
  4. Student will be directed to Dynamic Forms, select “Complete This Form”
  5. You will be asked to enter include the instructor's and supervisor's name and email address.
  6. Click Continue. (Incorrect email address will cause form to be invalid)
  7. Complete the Student Section of the form.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Instructor and supervisor will be notified via email to sign the form electronically. (Form is invalid if not signed by instructor and supervisor)
  10. Once signed, the document should be kept on file for audit purposes.

If hours are reported during class time without this form on file, student will be immediately terminated for non-compliance with federal regulations. It is the supervisor’s responsibility to warn student of the consequences along with carefully monitoring student class and work schedules.

If a student's class is no longer required to meet and the end of the semester has not been reached, the student may complete one (1) Work Study During Class Time Exception form, however, the student must include a well-detailed description including the class name, instructor name, days/times class meets, and the final day they were required to attend class. The instructor and supervisor must sign this form before the student can return to work during scheduled class time.



Timesheets are now functioning electronically through Tiger Web. Students must submit timesheets for approval by midnight (11:59 pm) on the 15th of each month. If a timesheet is not submitted by the 15th, the system will lock the student out and earnings will be delayed to the following month. Supervisors are to approve timesheets no later than the 16th of each month.


Disciplinary Action

Infraction of Work Study rules and regulations shall be regarded as cause for disciplinary action.

Steps of disciplinary action:

  • Warning #1: Verbal warning & email to Work-Study supervisor
  • Warning #2: Final verbal warning & email to Work-Study supervisor
  • Warning #3: Verbal warning & email to Supervisor's Boss

Any further non-compliance may result in that department becoming ineligible to participate in the Federal Work-Study program.


Important Reminders

  1. Federal guidelines prohibit students from working during scheduled class periods. The department should request a copy, EACH SEMESTER, of every student's class schedule so that work schedules and class schedules do not overlap. Do not allow students to work "whenever they want." Instead, set specific hours for students to work. Exceptions are permitted if an individual class is canceled, dismissed early, or if the instructor has excused the student from attending for a particular day. In such case, students must complete the Work Study During Class Time Exception form found on Tiger Web. An electronic signature will be required from the instructor and supervisor. Any such exemptions must be kept on file for audit purposes.
  2. Be sure time sheets accurately reflect the time the student has actually worked during the pay period. Time calculations should be double-checked before being submitted.
  3. Monitor that your student worker does not work more than 6 consecutive hours without taking a 30 minute unpaid break.
  4. Manage the student worker's earnings to assure they do not exceed the allocation specified on the Work Authorization. Your department will be charged for wages your student worker earns above their allocation.

Timesheets are now functioning electronically through Tiger Web. Students and supervisors must submit timesheets for approval by noon (11:59 am) on the 15th of each month. If a timesheet is not submitted by the 15th, the system will lock the student out and earnings will be delayed to the following month.