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ChattState Becomes Tennessee’s First Certified Bee Campus and 61st in the Nation
Chattanooga State Community College has become the 61st educational institution in the nation and the first campus in Tennessee to be certified as an affil...
UTC and Chattanooga State Make 2+2 Engineering Technology Degree Programs Official
Chattanooga State Community College welcomed officials from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga for a signing ceremony marking the transfer agreemen...
Baseball Pancake Fundraiser is January 26
The public is invited to come out and enjoy the Annual Pancake Breakfast fundraiser hosted by the 2019 Chattanooga State baseball team in the Albright Omni...
Applications for ChattState EMS Programs Being Accepted
Applications are now being accepted for Chattanooga State’s fall 2019 Paramedic Course that begins in August 2019. The application deadline is June 30, 201...
Spring Fine Art Events
Ongoing Student Art Exhibitions in the Center for Advanced Technology (CAT), the Center for Engineering, Technology Arts & Sciences (CETAS), and the An...
National NC3 Signing Day is February 21
In conjunction with other leading schools from around the nation, Chattanooga State Community College is holding its third annual National Technical Letter...
Card-Monroe Corp. Manufacturing Lab Dedicated
President Rebecca Ashford officially welcomed local dignitaries, Card-Monroe officials, faculty, staff, and students on February 6 as Chattanooga State Com...
National Signing Day is February 21
New TN Promise students for the 2019-20 school year will take part in a signing ceremony at Chattanooga State Community College on Thursday, February 21 at...
Borderlands: The Land Between and the Finding and Creation of Self
The Humanities and Fine Arts Division of Chattanooga State Community College will host the fourth installment of its 5th annual Chautauqua Lecture Series o...
Chatt-LEAD Program Grows Emerging College Leaders
In 2016, Chattanooga State’s Executive Vice President of Technical College, Dr. Jim Barrott, was asked to develop a leadership program at the request of th...