UTC and Chattanooga State Make 2+2 Engineering Technology Degree Programs Official

January 22, 2019 | | Press Release

etc & Chattanooga State engineering agreement

Chattanooga State Community College welcomed officials from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga for a signing ceremony marking the transfer agreements for its 2+2 Engineering Technology Degree Programs official. Dr. Richard Brown, Executive Vice Chancellor at UTC and Dr. Rebecca Ashford, Chattanooga State President signed the historic agreement between the institutions.

Chattanooga State’s Dean of Engineering & Information Technologies, Dr. Tremaine Powell and UTC’s Dean of Engineering, Dr. Daniel Pack, noted that although the agreement had been accepted for a couple of years, today’s signing made it official. Beginning today, every engineering technology degree within the division will allow a student to transfer seamlessly to UTC as a junior.

“Chattanooga State and The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga have a strong partnership, and this articulation agreement is a product of that. This agreement will allow our students completing AAS degrees in Engineering Technology to transfer to UTC and major in Engineering, Engineering Management, or Mechatronics. These AAS degrees usually lead directly to employment and are not designed to transfer. But, this agreement will allow them to transfer to UTC, opening up new opportunities for our students,” shared Chattanooga State President, Dr. Rebecca Ashford.

Not only will students be assured that their courses transfer without any question, but they will enjoy the added benefit of knowing their credentials are “stackable,” or a part of a sequence of credentials accumulated over time to build up an individual’s qualifications to help them move along a career pathway or up a career ladder to potentially different and higher paying jobs.

Chattanooga State’s engineering technology students may consult advisors within their program of study to learn more about this opportunity. For information, call (423) 697-4434 or visit www.chattanoogastate.edu/engineering-information-technologies.