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Spring Fine Art Events

February 4, 2019 | | Press Release

fine arts

Ongoing Student Art Exhibitions in the Center for Advanced Technology (CAT), the Center for Engineering, Technology Arts & Sciences (CETAS), and the Andrews Center Student Gallery that include student drawings, paintings, and photographs are on display at Chattanooga State Community College through May 2019.

Comedy improvisation returns to the Chattanooga State on Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. on February 6, 13, and 20 with second-year students of the Professional Actor Training Program, joined by faculty and staff. The scenes are improvised from audience suggestions, family-friendly, and suitable for all ages.

At 3:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 10, The UTC Symphony Orchestra, directed by Sandy Morris, will perform Hungarian March from The Damnation of Faust by Hector Berlioz. The concert also will include concertos performed by winners of the campus concerto competition including a Mozart two-piano concerto, a Cimarosa, a two-flute concerto, the Vaughan Williams Tuba Concerto, and an aria from Handel’s Julius Caesar. The Chattanooga School for Arts & Sciences High School Symphonic Strings, directed by Gary Wilkes, will open the concert with works by Michael Daugherty and Benjamin Britten.  

Chattanooga State voice and instrumental faculty will present a recital of classical and American genres of music at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 18.

As one of the most frequently performed choral works of the 21st century, Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana will be presented on February 28 and March 1 at 7:30 p.m. Chattanooga State’s performance features its Music Department, Choral Arts of Chattanooga, the Chattanooga Ballet and Heritage High School Concert Choir. The Chattanooga Ballet will interpret the work while the Concert Choir, Choral Arts and Heritage Choir perform the music.

Unless otherwise noted, all programs are open to the public free of charge and held in the Humanities Theatre on Chattanooga State’s main campus located at 4501 Amnicola Highway, Call (423) 697-2430 for more information or visit https://www.chattanoogastate.edu/calendar to view upcoming other fine art events.