Engineering & Information Technologies
The Division of Engineering & Information Technologies offers two-year degrees in Engineering Technology and a Pre-Engineering transfer program. These programs train students for careers of the future.
Degrees and Certificates
The combination of 2+2 programs and the newly created Tennessee Transfer Path (TTP) makes it possible for students to complete their first two years at Chattanooga State, then transfer to a four-year institution knowing course credits will be accepted. Click a program below for additional information.
There are numerous scholarships available for engineering technology and pre-engineering students. Scholarships are sponsored by local community organizations such as the Associated General Contractors of East Tennessee. In addition to these scholarships, students from Catoosa, Walker, Dade, and Whitfield Counties in Georgia and Jackson County Alabama are eligible for in-state tuition.
Chattanooga State's Engineering & Information Technologies Department has forged a number of unique partnerships designed to provide training for the local workforce that will qualify them for high-tech positions available in the Greater Chattanooga area. By combining hands-on training experience with classroom instruction, students are successfully completing their course of study and finding jobs in their chosen career.
Tennessee Building and Construction Institute of Chattanooga
Institute of Material Joining and Testing
TVA Partnership Program
Volkswagen Academy
WACKER Institute
Division News

Stay Safe Online: Chattanooga State Promotes Cybersecurity and Data Safety During Awareness Month
CHATTANOOGA, TN -- In an age of ever-increasing digital connection, online data security is more important than ever. October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and Chattanooga State Community College reminds students and the community to follow best practices when using the internet.
Division Events
Request Information
Contact - Tiffany Scruggs | (423) 697-2496 | Office - CETAS 363