Institute of Material Joining and Testing (IMJAT)

The new Tennessee Valley Institute of Materials Joining and Testing (IMJAT) provides both rapid training and retraining designed to meet the needs of area employers and employees.

The two core areas of concentration, non-destructive evaluation and materials joining, are high-demand, high-wage fields in advanced manufacturing. The Tennessee Department of Labor projects that three of the top five high growth industries through 2018 will be in manufacturing, adding a total of almost 4,300 jobs by 2018.

The Institute's two career pathways offer a range of options starting with entry-level certification leading to employment within four to six months. There are also opportunities for stacked and latticed credentialing that potentially lead to advanced certifications, associate degrees or baccalaureate degrees.

Non-Destructive Testing | Welding Engineering Technology

The IMJAT is funded through a three-year grant from the U.S. Department of Labor as part of the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Initiative. The initiative promotes skills development and employment opportunities in fields such as advanced manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, science, technology, engineering, and math careers through partnerships between training providers and local employers.

For more information about the IMJAT call Tracie Clifford at (423) 697-5725 or send an email to