October 17th, 2022

Dear Chattanooga State Community,

The fall semester is moving right along, and you have now completed the first week of the second seven-week session. Way to go!

It’s hard to believe we are in the middle of October. It is lovely to see the campus changing with the autumnal changes in the air: falling leaves and cooler temperatures.

We continue to celebrate our advisors so you can get to know them better. Remember October is Advising Month. Now is the time to schedule an appointment with your advisor so you can plan for next semester. Continue reading to learn more about Brandon Hines, Helen Knight, Trevor Hill, and Kendra Veal.

Meet Your Advisors

Brandon Hines

Brandon Hines, Nursing & Allied Health Advisor

Brandon started out in Enrollment Services at ChattState 4 years ago. He then became a success coach and has been advising students for the last 2 years. Brandon is currently serving as the Gateway Scholars advisor liaison, assisting Recruiting & Orientation by going to our 6 Gateway schools throughout the school year. Brandon serves as a mentor not only to students but to his peers as well.

What are your best tips for success?

1. Go at your own pace! It may seem impossible until it's done! ASK FOR HELP!
2. Make a schedule and get in the routine of studying daily.
3. Read the material before going to class so you are familiar with what is going to be covered.

What is your favorite way to spend your day off?
Hanging out with family and friends.
Binge watching shows.

What inspires you?
Since I know that working in the education field is a part of my calling, achieving goals that I have set for myself keeps me motivated and inspired.



Helen Knight

Helen Knight, Nursing & Allied Health Advisor

Helen has worked at ChattState for 13 years. She has been involved in enrollment services as well as a success coach. She has been advising students in her current role for 2 years.

What is your best tip for success?
Picture achieving your career path using something like Google Maps. There can be multiple routes to the same destination, some more direct and others that may take more time. But when you actually get on the road, there can also be unexpected occurrences that can lead you to a different destination altogether.

What quotation inspires you?
"A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor" -Franklin D. Roosevelt




Trevor Hill

Trevor Hill, Engineering & Information Technologies Advisor

Trevor has been an advisor at ChattState for 2.5 years. Before that he worked as a Success Coach and in Enrollment Services. Trevor’s bachelor’s degree is from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. When he is not on outdoor adventures with his wife Molly or running, he can be found at music festivals or concerts.

What is your best tip for success?

1. Take care of yourself. Get plenty of sleep. Incorporate physical activity into your lifestyle if you're able. If you are struggling with anything—ask for help.
2. "Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become." - James Clear
3. Avoid cramming—spread your studying out over time.

What inspires you?
I’m inspired by people who step out of their comfort zone.




Kendra Veal

Kendra Veal, Humanities & Business Industry Advisor

Kendra has been advising students at ChattState for about 4 years.







Student Resources


We have tons of resources to help you complete your goals from academic support to general support. Tutoring is an important service that can help you succeed in your classes. From writing to math tutoring and many subjects in between, we can help you pass or ace your classes.

Learn More about Tutoring

For a complete list of student resources, visit the Student Resources page.

Rebecca Ashford, Ed.D.