
Each semester, all students seeking a degree are required to meet with their academic advisor BEFORE registering for classes. Advisors are located on the second floor of the Student Center.

Find Your Academic Advisor

  1. Login to Tiger Web and check for your Advisor's name under "Your Success Team".
  2. If no Advisor is listed, please email for assistance.


Transient & Non-Degree Seeking Students:

  1. Transient and Non-Degree Seeking students are assigned to Kyle Summers for Advising, please make an appointment with him below.
  2. For assistance with registration issues, please email him at

TCAT Students:

  1. TCAT students are not assigned to an Academic Advisor.
  2. For assistance with registration, please contact TCAT Student Services at 423-697-4433 or

Contact Your Advisor

Lindsey Morgan - Business & Industry Advisor

Lindsey Morgan

Click Here to Schedule with Lindsey Morgan

Lindsey has been advising students for 20 years in various roles including financial aid, multicultural affairs, student life, veteran affairs, and others. Lindsey has an MBA and finds advising students aligns with her strengths of empathy and future thinking.

Lindsey is a self-described foodie who loves finding new restaurants and foods to try out and enjoy. Her favorite type of food is Indian, but she has a weakness for a good vegan blueberry lemon scone.

What are your best tips for success?

  1. Ask questions. You're in school to learn, so don't be afraid to do just that! Asking for help—from a professor, a tutor, or your friends—is a surefire way to make sure you truly understand the material.
  2. Get Organized. Making a plan for what you're going to do and when you're going to do it will make sure you're always ahead of the curve - literally.

What inspires you?
“In a world where you can be anything, BE KIND.” Treat others the way you wish to be treated; you never know the IMPACT your KINDNESS may have on another individual.

Any other information you have you’d like to share?
The Cookie Monster has a real name. It's Sid.

Cassandra Cooksey - Business & Industry Advisor

Cassandra Cooksey

Click Here to Schedule with Cassandra Cooksey

Cassandra served on ChattState’s Enrollment Services Team as a College Enrollment Specialist. She has an Associate’s Degree in Biology from Chattanooga State and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Music from Austin Peay State University. Cassandra is as an advisor for Business & Industry students.

What are your best tips for success?

  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Take advantage of all of your resources
  • Breathe! Your wellbeing is important. Always make sure you set aside some time for yourself to do something you enjoy.
  • Knock out your work a little at a time, don’t procrastinate!
  • Believe in yourself, you’re your own worst critic.
  • Get to know your fellow students. You can make some great new study buddies and awesome friends!

What’s something you enjoy in your spare time?

  • I love to curl up with a good book and a cup of tea
  • I also enjoy aerial arts, horseback riding and making music

What’s something that inspires you?

  • Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts- Winston Churchill
  • Little by little, one travels far – J.R.R. Tolkien
Christine Conn - Education Advisor

Christine Conn

I am the Director of Education programs and advise all Chatt State students who want to become teachers. I teach education classes and also supervise the American Sign Language and  Physical Education programs. I am the happy grandmother of 4 and enjoy time spent out on the river with my husband, Jim, and our dog, Abbey. As a former English teacher, I love to read and write. I look forward to getting to know you!


Advising those in the following programs:

  • AST Elementary Education TTP K-5 
  • AS TTP Special Education 
  • AST TTP all Secondary Education 
Rebecca Aslinger - Education Advisor

Rebecca Aslinger

Rebecca has been teaching for 21 years. She taught children for 13 years and the last 8 years has been teaching adults at Chattanooga State. She loves to support future and current teachers achieve their goals through continuing their own education at Chattanooga State. When she is not teaching or advising she is spending time with her family. She and her husband, who is also a teacher, spend time with their four children. Her oldest is 27 and her next child is 12. Finally, she has 9-year-old twins. 


Advising those in the following programs:

  • ECED Technical Certificate (TCEC) 
  • AAS Early Childhood Degree (ECED-NON) 
  • AST Early Childhood TTP PreK-3 
  • AST Elementary Education TTP K-5 
  • AS TTP Special Education


What are your best tips for success?

  • It takes time to be successful. Give yourself that time and plan for success. 
  • Ask for help and make connections across campus
  • Take every opportunity because you are ultimately investing in yourself
  • Education is something that you invest in for YOU!


What is something you enjoy in your spare time?

  • I love spending time with my family and community. I take advantage of this amazing city we live and try to enjoy every moment and season in life.
  • I like to create! That can be anything from a new dish, repeating an old tradition, or decorating for a holiday.


What is something that inspires you?

I am inspired by people reaching their dreams and milestones. Education is the way to do that! Think about the end in mind and make a map on how to get there. 

Tania Henson-Brooks - Education Advisor

Tania Henson-Brooks

Mrs. Henson-Brooks is the Program Director of the Early Childhood Education Program and has been at Chattanooga State since 2010. She studied Psychology and Sociology at Samford University and has a Master’s Degree in Child and Family Development from the University of Georgia. Mrs. HB teaches in and manages the CDA-prep, Technical Certificate, and applied and transfer associate degree programs in Early Childhood. She advises those interested in working with young children and their families, both in and out of early childhood and child care classrooms.


Advising those in the following programs:

  • ECED Technical Certificate (TCEC)
  • AAS Early Childhood Degree (ECED-NON)
  • AS TTP Family & Consumer Sciences
  • AST Early Childhood TTP PreK-3
  • AST Elementary Education TTP K-5


What are your best tips for success?

You define your own success here! Things may not go as you originally planned or hoped, but all forward movement is progress. The professors and advisors are here for YOU. We want you to find the best career pathway and program fit and help you maximize your learning. Ask for help.


What’s something you enjoy in your spare time?

The woods are my happy place, especially on a mountain with my son and husband. If I can’t get there, our kitties and dogs always make me laugh.


What’s something that inspires you?

My students inspire me every single day. Early Childhood Educators are some of the most amazing people I’ve met. So many have overcome challenging situations and come to college after becoming parents themselves. ECE student accomplishments and passion for the field make my work fulfilling!

Trevor Hill - Engineering & Information Technologies Advisor

Trevor Hill

Click Here to Schedule with Trevor Hill

Trevor has been an advisor at ChattState for 2.5 years. Before that he worked as a Success Coach and in Enrollment Services. Trevor’s bachelor’s degree is from the University of Tennessee at Knoxville. When he is not on outdoor adventures with his wife Molly or running, he can be found at music festivals or concerts.

What is your best tip for success?

1. Take care of yourself. Get plenty of sleep. Incorporate physical activity into your lifestyle if you're able. If you are struggling with anything—ask for help.
2. "Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become." - James Clear
3. Avoid cramming—spread your studying out over time.

What inspires you?
I’m inspired by people who step out of their comfort zone.

Tiffany Scruggs - Engineering & Information Technologies Advisor

Tiffany Scruggs

Click Here to Schedule with Tiffany Scruggs

Tiffany has been advising for 12 years at ChattState. She started as a general advisor and has been advising for engineering and computer science since 2015. She also teaches college success.
Tiffany is a first-generation college student and amazing mother of three. When she has SOME spare time, she enjoys watching Law & Order SVU.  She also loves basketball and going to concerts. She says it’s hard to have a favorite team because the players change teams often, but her favorite player is KD (Kevin Durant).

What are your best tips for success?

  1. This journey is yours...go at your own pace!
  2. Invest in yourself...say, (with a smile) "I can't, I have to study."

What quotation inspires you?

“Live so that when your children think of fairness and integrity, they think of you.” ― H. Jackson Brown Jr. 

What is your strangest, irrational fear?
That I'm going to be attacked by a squirrel on the riverwalk while walking on my lunch break. 

Kendra Veal - Humanities & Fine Arts, and Engineering & IT Advisor

Kendra Veal

Click Here to Schedule with Kendra Veal

Kendra has been advising students at ChattState for about 4 years.

Rhonda McWhorter - Math & Science, and Business & Industry Advisor

Rhonda McWhorter

Click Here to Schedule with Rhonda McWhorter

Rhonda has been with the college for 13 years and advising students for 3 of those years. Rhonda thinks of herself as an ambivert (50% extravert/50% introvert). She loves to see people happy. Her gifts are motivating people and organizing.

What are your best tips for success?

  1. Communicate with professors and classmates.
  2. Get involved even if it’s outside your comfort zone.
  3. Create study groups even if something is not due, it’s best to stay ahead!

What inspires you?
I find inspiration everywhere that I can. I learn from people as well positive and negative experiences. If something does not work out the way I envisioned it, I will push myself to find another way to move forward. Life is just like finding a career. There is no clear-cut single pathway to doing things. Everyone's experience is uniquely different and is equally important.

What is your strangest irrational fear?
I am afraid of sunflowers and clowns.

Anna Kent - Nursing & Allied Health Advisor

Anna Kent

Click Here to Schedule with Anna Kent

Anna has been advising students about their college journey for 23 years. She has a master’s degree in education with an emphasis on student affairs. Anna has been at ChattState for 15 years working with our students in an advising role who are pursuing Nursing & Allied Health majors.

What are your best tips for success?

  1. Never hesitate to ask questions and ask for help. Chatt State has numerous resources to help you be successful.
  2. Making and using flash cards is a great study tool.

​​What inspires you?
Our students... watching our students overcome challenges and obstacles to their success inspires me. Their perseverance through difficult life events and commitment to achieving their career goals is humbling.

What is your favorite random fact?
Foraging bees communicate with the hive about food sources they find by dancing.

Demetria Smith - Nursing & Allied Health Advisor

Demetria Smith

Click Here to Schedule with Demetria Smith

Demetria has been advising students at ChattState since 2013. She is also an instructor for College Success. Before Demetria joined us, she had been a financial aid counselor for several years at UTC (2004–2007).

What are your best tips for success?

1. Use the resources that ChattState provides to help you be successful.

2. Use the 2 for 1 rule for studying: plan to study two hours for each one hour of class time (depends on the class).

What is your favorite way to spend your day off?

I love to spend time with my family, reading and travel. Traveling is my most favorite thing in the world, so much that I recently became a certified Travel Agent.

What inspires you?
“Travel brings Power and Love back into your life.” -Rumi

Brandon Hines - Nursing & Allied Health Advisor

Brandon Hines

Click Here to Schedule with Brandon Hines

Brandon started out in Enrollment Services at ChattState 4 years ago. He then became a success coach and has been advising students for the last 2 years. Brandon is currently serving as the Gateway Scholars advisor liaison, assisting Recruiting & Orientation by going to our 6 Gateway schools throughout the school year. Brandon serves as a mentor not only to students but to his peers as well.

What are your best tips for success?

1. Go at your own pace! It may seem impossible until it's done! ASK FOR HELP!
2. Make a schedule and get in the routine of studying daily.
3. Read the material before going to class so you are familiar with what is going to be covered.

What is your favorite way to spend your day off?
Hanging out with family and friends.
Binge watching shows.

What inspires you?
Since I know that working in the education field is a part of my calling, achieving goals that I have set for myself keeps me motivated and inspired.

Jade Pierce - Nursing & Allied Health Advisor

Jade Pierce

Click Here to Schedule with Jade Pierce

Jade has been an advisor since July 2020. She has been with the college for seven years and gained experience across the campus: Financial Aid, Enrollment Services Center, and a Success Coach. This experience is a valuable tool as Jade advises not just about what classes to take next but how to succeed in college.

What is your best study tip?
Use the 25/5 method or the "pomodoro technique" to study. Before you study, decide what you want to accomplish and break your work into 25-minute intervals. Set a timer for 25 minutes and start studying. After 25 minutes, take a short 5 to 10-minute break. Repeat.

What inspires you?
Graduations inspire me. I get very emotional when I think about how hard each graduate worked to get where they are. It’s so inspiring to see students reach their goals.

Stracee Jones-Coleman - Social & Behavioral Sciences Advisor

Stracee Jones

Click Here to Schedule with Stracee Jones

Stracee has been an advisor for ChattState for five years.

What are your best tips for success?

1. Ask all of your questions even when you’re nervous.
2. Read all of the instructions.
3. Look at things how they are not how you want them to be.
4. This isn’t high school; you have to study and study more consistently.

What inspires you?

1. The ability to create joy and live through the lens of joy.
2. What is your favorite way to spend your day off?

3. Traveling with friends and family.

Kyle Summers - Social & Behavioral Sciences, Transient, and Non-Degree Seeking Advisor

Kyle Summers

Click Here to Schedule with Kyle Summers

Kyle has been an advisor at ChattState for just under two years. Before he became an advisor, Kyle was a success coach.

What is your best tip for success?
Always ask for help and never suffer in silence. Everyone at Chattanooga State wants you to succeed.

What inspires you?
You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

Advising FAQs

Who is my advisor and where can I find him/her?

Your advisor's name is posted on your TigerWeb account. Using the instructions on the login screen, log into your account and your advisor's name will be listed in the center of your home page. Then go to "People Finder" which is located in the bottom right corner of your TigerWeb home page under Quick Links.

Do I have to see my assigned advisor?

Students are assigned to advisors based on their major and where they are in their degree program. For the best possible career and course information, you need to see your assigned advisor. If you change your major, you will be assigned a new advisor from your new division.

Do I need to bring anything with me when I meet with my advisor?

Yes. You need to bring all documents, such as an Educational or Academic Plan if you already have one and any other related documents that you may have received in a prior session. We recommend that you keep all of your advising materials together in one folder, along with a sheet of paper to write down questions as they come to mind. If you are a new or transfer student, please bring copies of your college transcripts.

What is the difference between an AA, AS and an AAS degree?

The Associate of Arts (AA) and the Associate of Science (AS) degrees are designed to prepare students for transfer to a four-year institution. An Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree is designed to prepare students for immediate employment in a specialized area.

What Chattanooga State classes will transfer to four-year colleges/universities in Tennessee?

On the Advising web page, there is a transfer equivalency table that will tell you course for course what classes transfer to many state colleges and universities. For institutions not listed on this table, you will need to check the catalog of the intended transfer school and consult with an advisor at that school. Be sure to discuss your transfer plans with your assigned advisor.

How many credit hours are considered fulltime?

Twelve (12) credit hours are considered fulltime. Keep in mind, college students should spend 2 to 3 hours per week outside of class (reading, studying, writing, and preparing) for every hour they are in class. That means, a student carrying 12 credit hours can expect to spend 24 to 36 hours of studying outside of class plus the 12 hours they are in class - that's why it is called "fulltime!"

What is an Educational Plan or Academic Plan?

The educational or academic plan is completed with your advisor and outlines the courses you will need to take in future semesters in order to graduate. To make changes to your plan, contact your advisor directly.

I have questions about my major/career. Who do I need to see?

Your assigned advisor will help you with questions about your major. The Career Services and Counseling provides weekly career information sessions, and offers inventories and counseling services to help you decide on a career.

Can I double major?

A double major at Chattanooga State is only available in AAS degree programs. All requirements for each major must be met. The second major must include at least 20 hours not applied to the first major.

What can I do if I am having academic problems in class?

The first line of contact should be with the instructor; instructor and advisor before dropping a class. It is also advisable to check with Financial Aid and determine how dropping a class might affect your aid. If a decision is made to proceed with the drop, students can drop college level courses in their TigerWeb account.

Where do I go to drop my class?

Students should talk with their instructor and advisor before dropping a class. It is also advisable to check with Financial Aid and determine how dropping a class might affect your aid. If a decision is made to proceed with the drop, students can drop the course in their TigerWeb account.

Do I need to reapply for admission if I have previously attended classes at Chattanooga State?

A student previously enrolled at Chattanooga State who did not attend the immediate preceding term (summer excluded) must submit an application for readmission to the Enrollment Services Office. This can be completed online, in person, or by mail.

How is the grade point average (GPA) calculated?

Based on the 4.0 Scale

  • A = 4 quality points
  • B = 3 quality points
  • C = 2 quality points
  • D = 1 quality point
  • F = 0 quality points

Example of Calculating Your "Quality Points"

  • A(4) x 3 credit hours = 12 quality points
  • A(4) x 4 credit hours = 16 quality points
  • B(3) x 2 credit hours = 6 quality points
  • C(2) x 3 credit hours = 6 quality points

40 quality points divided by 12 credit hours = 3.33 GPA

You can use our GPA calculator as well.


Where do I get information for my distance education classes?

Questions about specific Online classes should be directed to the department of the class.

For information about the Online Learning Management system and any problems you may be having with it, visit the Library/IMC Room 206 during normal business hours, or call the on-campus office phone 1-423-697-2592 or 1-800-207-8202, or email outside of eLearn after normal business hours.