September 30, 2022

Dear Chattanooga State Community, 

It’s hard to believe tomorrow is the first day of October, and Fall Break is upon us; I know you are ready to take some time off from your classes. For those of you in 7-week classes—you’ve made it! For those of you taking 15-week classes you are half of the way through the semester—you’ve got this!

I hope all of you can take some time during the next week to enjoy your time off from classes and relax and recharge for the rest of the semester or new classes. 

Speaking of new classes, October is advising month. It’s an excellent time to reconnect with your advisor about the semester or classes you are working on. It’s also a great time to start planning for your spring courses and get the best selection of courses. In order to register later in October, you must have a PIN; you will need to meet with your advisor to get your PIN.  

To celebrate our advisors and to help you get to know them better, we will be featuring a few of our advisors each week during the month of October. Continue reading to learn more about Lindsey Morgan, Rhonda McWhorter, Anna Kent, and Tiffany Scruggs. 

Rebecca Ashford, Ed.D.

Meet Your Advisors

Lindsey MorganLindsey Morgan, Business Advisor

Lindsey has been advising students for 20 years in various roles including financial aid, multicultural affairs, student life, veteran affairs, and others. Lindsey has an MBA and finds advising students aligns with her strengths of empathy and future thinking.

Lindsey is a self-described foodie who loves finding new restaurants and foods to try out and enjoy. Her favorite type of food is Indian, but she has a weakness for a good vegan blueberry lemon scone.

What are your best tips for success?

  1. Ask questions. You're in school to learn, so don't be afraid to do just that! Asking for help—from a professor, a tutor, or your friends—is a surefire way to make sure you truly understand the material.
  2. Get Organized. Making a plan for what you're going to do and when you're going to do it will make sure you're always ahead of the curve - literally.

What inspires you?
“In a world where you can be anything, BE KIND.” Treat others the way you wish to be treated; you never know the IMPACT your KINDNESS may have on another individual.

Any other information you have you’d like to share?
The Cookie Monster has a real name. It's Sid.


Rhonda McWhorterRhonda McWhorter, Math & Science Advisor

Rhonda has been with the college for 13 years and advising students for 3 of those years. Rhonda thinks of herself as an ambivert (50% extravert/50% introvert). She loves to see people happy. Her gifts are motivating people and organizing.

What are your best tips for success?

  1. Communicate with professors and classmates.
  2. Get involved even if it’s outside your comfort zone.
  3. Create study groups even if something is not due, it’s best to stay ahead!

What inspires you?
I find inspiration everywhere that I can. I learn from people as well positive and negative experiences. If something does not work out the way I envisioned it, I will push myself to find another way to move forward. Life is just like finding a career. There is no clear-cut single pathway to doing things. Everyone's experience is uniquely different and is equally important.

What is your strangest irrational fear?
I am afraid of sunflowers and clowns.


Anna KentAnna Kent, Nursing & Allied Health Advisor

Anna has been advising students about their college journey for 23 years. She has a master’s degree in education with an emphasis on student affairs. Anna has been at ChattState for 15 years working with our students in an advising role who are pursuing Nursing & Allied Health majors.

What are your best tips for success?

  1. Never hesitate to ask questions and ask for help. Chatt State has numerous resources to help you be successful.
  2. Making and using flash cards is a great study tool.

What inspires you?
Our students... watching our students overcome challenges and obstacles to their success inspires me. Their perseverance through difficult life events and commitment to achieving their career goals is humbling.

What is your favorite random fact?
Foraging bees communicate with the hive about food sources they find by dancing.


Tiffany ScruggsTiffany Scruggs, Engineering Advisor

Tiffany has been advising for 12 years at ChattState. She started as a general advisor and has been advising for engineering and computer science since 2015. She also teaches college success.
Tiffany is a first-generation college student and amazing mother of three. When she has SOME spare time, she enjoys watching Law & Order SVU.  She also loves basketball and going to concerts. She says it’s hard to have a favorite team because the players change teams often, but her favorite player is KD (Kevin Durant).

What are your best tips for success?

  1. This journey is yours...go at your own pace!
  2. Invest in yourself...say, (with a smile) "I can't, I have to study."

What quotation inspires you?

“Live so that when your children think of fairness and integrity, they think of you.” ― H. Jackson Brown Jr. 

What is your strangest, irrational fear?
That I'm going to be attacked by a squirrel on the riverwalk while walking on my lunch break. 


Student Resources


  • We have tons of resources to help you complete your goals from academic support to general support. Tutoring is an important service that can help you succeed in your classes. From writing to math tutoring and many subjects in between, we can help you pass or ace your classes.