Crime Prevention

Following these precautions can substantially decrease your chances of becoming a victim of crime.


  1. Be aware of what is around you. Recognize your vulnerability.
  2. Report all suspicious persons, vehicles, and activities to the Chattanooga State Campus Police immediately by calling (423) 595-3651 or dialing 4467 using any campus phone.
  3. Use the "buddy system" and watch out for each other.
  4. Keep the door to your office/room locked whenever you find yourself alone in a building.
  5. Report lights that are out and any hazardous conditions immediately to Plant Operations at x5333.
  6. If you see someone being victimized, get involved and notify the Chattanooga State Campus Police.


  1. Avoid traveling alone at night.
  2. Confine walking to well-lit regularly traveled walks and pathways
  3. Avoid the athletic fields and tennis courts after dark.
  4. Never accept rides from casual acquaintances.
  5. When walking to your vehicle or residence, have your keys ready and in hand.
  6. When being dropped off by taxi, Uber, or private vehicle, ask the driver to wait until you get inside.
  7. Call the Chattanooga State Campus Police by calling (423) 595-3651 or dialing 4467 using any campus phone for an escort if walking alone at night.

Athletic Facilities

  1. Avoid using athletic facilities alone, especially after dark or during off-hours.
  2. Use the "buddy system." Work out with a friend, and make arrangements to leave the gym together.
  3. Confine your running and jogging to the daylight hours and open well-traveled areas. If you run or jog at night you should wear a reflective vest.
  4. Avoid showering alone in the locker rooms.


  1. If, while waiting for an elevator, you find yourself alone with a stranger, let the person take the elevator and wait for its return.
  2. Always stand near the control panel, where you have access to the alarm and floor buttons.
  3. Emergency phones are installed in all passenger elevators. When you push the button, the phone will automatically dial the Chattanooga State Campus Police.


  1. Never pick up hitchhikers.
  2. Whenever possible, limit traveling to well-lit, well-traveled roads.
  3. Keep your windows closed and doors locked.
  4. When stopped at traffic lights or stop signs, keep your vehicle in gear. If threatened, sound your horn and drive away as soon as possible.
  5. Consider installing an alarm system with a panic switch.
  6. Avoid stopping in poorly lit, out-of-the-way places.
  7. If your vehicle breaks down at night, call the Chattanooga State Campus Police by calling (423) 595-3651 or dialing 4467 using any campus phone. Stay inside your vehicle with the windows closed and the doors locked until campus police or security arrive.
  8. If you are followed into your driveway or parking lot, stay locked inside your vehicle until you can identify the occupants of the vehicle. If threatened, sound your horn until you attract attention or the vehicle leaves.
  9. When parking at night, choose well-lit areas. Before getting out of your vehicle, check for people loitering.
  10. Always remove your ignition keys. Lock the vehicle whenever it is unattended.
  11. Before entering your vehicle, always check the interior, paying particular attention to the floor and rear seat.
  12. For escorts to and from your vehicle, call the Chattanooga State Campus Police by calling (423) 595-3651 or dialing 4467 using any campus phone.

Rape/Sexual Assault

The College has established a prescribed procedure to assist and support victims of rape or sexual assaults. The Chattanooga State Campus Police Department will assist you in obtaining medical, counseling, and police services.

You are encouraged to report immediately any incidents of this nature by calling the Chattanooga State Campus Police by calling (423) 595-3651 or dialing 4467 using any campus phone even if you do not wish to pursue the matter further. Keep in mind that an assailant who is allowed to go free is a potential future danger, not only to you but also to other members of the community.

All information that you provide will be confidential. If you wish to report information concerning a rape or sexual assault anonymously, you may do so.

When you report a rape or sexual assault, you may choose to file charges through the District Attorney's office or not at all. If you choose to file charges, the Chattanooga State Campus Police will assist you in every way, but no action will be taken without your expressed consent.

Every situation will be different. Therefore, we cannot provide any specific rules as to what to do or not to do if you are faced with a threat. Only you can determine the appropriate course of action.


Protect Your Property

Offices & Laboratories:

  1. Keep all offices and laboratories locked when not in use.
  2. Make sure that all locking devices are in proper working order.
  3. Keep desks, cabinets, etc., locked when not in use.
  4. Avoid bringing valuable personal property with you.
  5. Purses should be kept locked up, and coats or jackets should not be left unattended with wallets or other valuables in the pockets.
  6. Before leaving, check to make sure that no one is hiding and that your area is properly secured.
  7. Watch out for your neighbor. If someone forgets to secure his/her area or property, keep an eye on it.
  8. Report all suspicious persons or improperly secured areas to Campus Police immediately.


Athletic Facilities

  1. Avoid bringing cash, wallets, watches, or other valuables to the athletic facilities.
  2. Avoid storing valuable sports equipment in your locker.
  3. Keep your locker locked whenever unattended. This includes those times when you leave briefly to shower, visit the trainer's office or the equipment room, etc.
  4. Report suspicious persons and incidents of theft to the Campus Police immediately.


Motor Vehicles

  1. Report all suspicious persons or vehicles around parking areas to the Campus Police immediately.
  2. Keep your vehicle locked and the windows rolled up tightly.
  3. Never leave your vehicle running when unattended.
  4. When parking, choose a well-lit, heavily traveled area.
  5. Packages, luggage, and other valuables should be locked in the trunk.
  6. Keep spare keys in your wallet or purse, not inside the vehicle where a thief can easily find them.



  1. Invest in a good bicycle lock.
  2. Always lock your bicycle. Bicycles should be locked around the frames to an object such as a bicycle rack, etc.


What You Can Do

Your involvement is essential to the prevention of crime on campus. Disinterest and complacency are the prime contributors to the success of crime. The burden of crime prevention rests not only with the Chattanooga State Campus Police Department but also with each member of the Chattanooga State campus community.

Campus Police and Security Officers cannot be everywhere at once and are, therefore, dependent upon you to recognize and report incidents of suspicious and criminal activity. The extent of your cooperation will greatly influence the Chattanooga State Campus Police Department’s effectiveness in combating crime. Doing your part means:

  1. Being aware of your vulnerability and following the suggestions outlined in this section to protect yourself and your property.
  2. Being alert for suspicious or criminal activity and conditions that may represent a hazard to the campus community.
  3. Getting involved by becoming more security conscious and by reporting all incidents of suspicious or criminal activity, no matter how insignificant, to the Chattanooga State Campus Police Department immediately.

Remember that unreported crimes cannot be solved and that, by not reporting crimes, you allow the perpetrators to commit additional and perhaps more serious crimes. Many times crime solving depends upon how accurately and promptly the incident is reported.

  1. It is important that you be able to provide as much of the following information as possible:
  2. The nature of the incident.
  3. When and where the incident occurred.
  4. The number of persons involved (names, sex, race, age, height, hairstyle/color complexion, distinctive characteristics, i.e. facial features, scars, physical defects, glasses, clothing, etc.).
  5. Direction and method of travel.
  6. Vehicles involved (color, type, make, model, license plate number and state, distinctive characteristics, i.e., decals, bumper stickers, damage, number of occupants, etc.).
  7. Description of stolen property (item, manufacturer, model number, serial number, value, color, dimensions, etc.).
  8. Any other applicable information.