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Cleaning Closures

Factors for Consideration of Unavailable Space(s) Due to Cleaning  

Closures may occur in a classroom, wing, building, program, and/or site level, depending upon the extent of where the Close Contact was and for how long.

  • Short-term closures of a minimum of 24 hours is required to allow time to adequately clean and sanitize after a confirmed close contact.
  • Recognizing each situation is unique, every known close contact may not warrant closure or deep cleaning.

Decision determined in coordination with Plant Operations and VP/s looking at where and how long the close contact may have been in the building and/or space.

Notification Plan for Closure:

  • Plant Operations Executive Director notifies College President then immediately sends an all-campus email notification to students and employees for latest unavailable space(s) due to cleaning, including date(s) closed. 
  • TigerWeb “Unavailable Spaces Due to Cleaning” section updated by Plant Operations Executive Director, including date(s) closed.
  • Notification back-up to Executive Director of Plant Operations is Executive Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Research and Planning.