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Community Pledges

The Chattanooga State Pledge

campus plan iconsThe College believes strongly in the concept of education as a method for encouraging and maintaining a supportive and safe community. Each student, faculty, and staff member play an integral part in supporting core principles to mitigate the spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19. While the institution can do its part in minimizing risk on campus, everyone must do their part to support efforts to minimize exposure and spread to peers and colleagues. By engaging in the on-campus community of the institution, you recognize all risks related to exposure to COVID-19. Students, faculty, and staff can help keep our community healthy by being mindful of their actions and following the institutional/public health and safety protocols. As such, we ask each individual to pledge to take responsibility for your own health and help stop the spread of the COVID-19 by agreeing to the following pledge:


Click here to download or print a PDF version of this pledge.

The Chattanooga State Pledge

I understand I have a part to play in the fight against COVID-19 and commit to being a responsible member of the campus community. I pledge to uphold the Chattanooga State Safe Community Pledge every day by demonstrating personal integrity, respecting others, and supporting my college and local community by:

  • Following institutional/public health guidelines designed to protect myself and others
  • Limiting the size of gatherings in social situations in accordance with public health guidelines
  • Maintaining social distancing
  • Protecting myself and others in areas of campus and where distancing isn’t possible
  • Washing my hands frequently
  • Staying home if sick or if I have symptoms of COVID-19
  • Reporting to school officials if I have tested positive for COVID-19
  • Wearing an appropriate face mask and other protective equipment as directed by the college
  • Looking out for others and encourage their faithful commitment to the pledge

The Tennessee Pledge

TN plan

The “Tennessee Pledge is a plan to help Tennesseans return to work in a safe environment, restore their livelihoods, and reboot our state’s economy.

This plan was developed by Governor Lee, the Unified Command Group (UCG) and Tennessee’s Economic Recovery Group (ERG) with input from health experts, state and local partners and business and industry leaders. It includes specific recommendations which enable most businesses to reopen responsibly without the burden of heavy mandates. This will be a gradual process, with room to adjust as we evaluate changing data.

Click here to read the Tennessee Pledge