February 4, 2022

Dear Chattanooga State Community,

You’ve made it to the end of the third week in the semester. If you are in seven-week classes, you are almost to the halfway mark. Well done!

Each week in this communication, we list services that are here to help you succeed. I hope you are taking advantage of these resources and maximizing your experience this semester.

I’d like to draw your attention to a particular service this week—Career Services. One of the challenges associated with going to college is understanding why you are here. Often students are undecided about what to major in because they don’t know enough about what careers will be in demand after they graduate. Or students think they want to major in one thing, but as they learn more about it, they change their minds. I can share that when I was in college, I truly had no idea what I wanted to be “when I grew up.” At that time, there were three careers I knew—teacher, hairdresser, and nurse. Those were the jobs the women I knew held.

I encourage you to take advantage of our Career Services. The staff will help you explore careers that fit both your interests and your talents. They can help you learn about career income potential and about the kind of education you need to work in that career. And for those of you who are firmly committed to your major and career plans, the Career Services staff can help you with your job search including assistance with resume writing and preparing for interviews.

This semester, Career Services will host several career fairs so students can meet with potential employers. Please mark your calendars for the career fields that interest you.

Nursing & Allied Health
Thursday, February 24th (11:00 – 2:00)
HSC Lobby  

Engineering & Information Technology & TCAT
Tuesday, March 29th (9:00 – 1:00)
CETAS 107, 108, 109

Social Behavioral Sciences
Wednesday, March 30th (9:00 – 1:00)
CAT Building Hallway 

Thursday, March 31st (9:00-1:00)
OMNI B Wing Hallway 

Understanding why you are in college and having a goal is key to being motivated to put in the work required to succeed. Let Career Services help you define or clarify your goal. 

Name the Game Survey
Registration Hold for Financial Aid Recipients
All Students Receiving Financial Aid Must Complete the FAFSA by March 1
Achieve Your Goals
Student Resources—We’re Here to Help
Sharing Stories in Stressful Times
Student Life Events and Activities

We are resilient. We are innovative. We are united. We are ChattState.

Rebecca Ashford, Ed.D.

Name the Game Survey

Want a chance to win of our Miir ChattState Mugs? Answer this short survey, and you’ll be entered to win.
You must be signed into your campus email: @my.chattanoogastate.edu or @chattanoogastate.edu. 

Deadline: February 11. 

Registration Hold for Financial Aid Recipients

Students who have been paid Financial Aid will now see a hold on their account to prevent registration changes unless they first consult an academic advisor.  The Banner hold code is ER, and the description is "See advisor to change schedule."  Advisors will discuss the implications—both academic and financial —of the student's desired schedule change.  If the advisor gives the green light, they will remove the hold from the student's account and the student can make the desired change in Banner/TigerWeb. The hold will go back on the student's account on the next nightly run so that further changes require further conversations. 

The hold has now been applied for the Spring 2022 semester.  It will affect students who have been paid any type of Financial Aid including TN Promise, TN Reconnect, grants, loans, and scholarships.

Please call the Academic Advising Center at 423-697-2456 or visit our Advising Virtual Office for assistance.

All Students Receiving Financial Aid Must Complete the FAFSA by March 1

The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for next year, 2022-2023 is due March 1 (the date has been extended). If you will be enrolling in classes at any school as of July 1st, 2022, complete the FAFSA as soon as possible to have the best chance at any first come, first served scholarships, grants, or loans.  

Submitting the FAFSA early also gives you a head start on completing any financial aid requirements or determining your financial aid eligibility.

The Federal Student Aid website gives you a lot of information about completing the FAFSA and about how financial aid works. For the 2022-2023 year, you will use your 2020 tax and income information for both you and your parent(s) or stepparent (s), if you are under 24 years old, or you and your spouse if you are considered “independent” on the FAFSA by age or special circumstances. If something in your family or financial situation has changed since filing taxes in 2020, and your household income is different, contact the Financial Aid Office after completing the FAFSA (using your 2020 financial information) about possible adjustments to the information in your federal aid application.

Achieve Your Goals

Academic Advising

We hope you’ve all had a wonderful start to Spring 2022! The Academic Advising staff is here to help you have a successful semester. Whenever you need assistance from your assigned Academic Advisor please set up an appointment to meet with them by using the scheduling links on our website, Advising & Registration | Chattanooga State Community College. If you have a quick question, feel free to call or email your Advisor. Email and phone numbers are available in the ChattState Faculty and Staff Directory . While our walk-in hours for the beginning of the semester have ended, if you have an urgent matter, we welcome your visit in the Student Center— 226 or call us at 423-697-2456.  Note: Priority will be given to students with appointments. 

Math Center

Located on the second floor of the IMC building, in room 225, the Math Center available to help students with all levels of Math. The center is equipped with over 180 computers for student use, and Math faculty and tutors are always available to assist students​. 

Monday – Thursday (8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.)
Friday  (8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.)
Saturday (11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.)

One-on-One Math Tutoring

Sign up for a scheduled online or in-person appointment.

User Name is the first part of your email address, before the @ symbol
Ex: jpdoe@my.chattanoogastate.edu, so, the User Name for tutor trac would be jpdoe. Do not use the entire email.
Password is the same as your TigerWeb password.

Andrews Reading and Writing Center

Whether you are having trouble getting started on an assignment or have a complete draft ready for review, our tutors are happy to help with any written assignment for any class. 


Chattanooga State offers FREE on-demand, online tutoring through Tutor.com. The service is easy to use and can be accessed from your course’s eLearn. Tutors are available to you 24/7.

Student Resources—We’re Here to Help

  • Tutoring: ChattState offers in-person and virtual tutoring services.  

  • Emergency Aid: The Student Support Center is available to assist students struggling to meet their basic needs. Please use the Wellness Check on TigerWeb to let us know if you need assistance. 

  • Technology Support: Devices (laptops, hotspots, etc.) are available through the College. To request a device, complete the technology request form. Technology will continue to be available for students as long as they remain enrolled. 

  • Support Services: Chattanooga State is dedicated to delivering support services and resources to assist our students. Visit the virtual Student Support Center to learn more about the many services offered. 

  • Academic Resources: Visit the Spring 2022 Update page for a listing of academic resources, including links to the Math Center, Andrews Reading and Writing Center, the Testing Center, Kolwyck Library, and more. 

  • Student Assistance Library Campus Guide: We now have a Campus Guide for students to provide assistance with eLearn / Virtual Classes / Proctoring / Accessibility / etc. 

  • Career Services Center: The Career Services Center is available to provide services online or by phone to Chattanooga State students, alumni, faculty and staff. Services include career counseling & assistance with selecting a major, job search planning, resume writing assistance, interview skills, and more. Visit JOBlink to view job and internship opportunities. To schedule an appointment for any service, please call 423-697-4421 or email careers@chattanoogastate.edu. The Career Services Virtual Office hours are Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

  • Food: The Tiger Cupboard provides supplemental food and other necessities for students in need. 

  • Tennessee Board of Regents Student Resources: We know that the global COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak has been causing a great deal of uncertainty, anxiety, and stress for students across Tennessee. Please know that you are not alone.  

  • Ride CARTA for Free: Chattanooga State students may ride CARTA for free with a valid ChattState ID through August 31, 2022. This agreement covers all routes.  

Sharing Stories in Stressful Times Event

This student-led roundtable sponsored by Global Scholars is an opportunity to connect with your peers and share stories and coping strategies to help you manage your stress at school and beyond. There will be snacks, drinks, and giveaways, but feel free to bring some comfort food to share.  

February 17, (2PM–4:30PM), OMN 126 

Register to attend or join us virtually.

Student Life Events and Activities

All students are welcome to join! Check out our February events: 

  • 9 – SLE Night Basketball Men’s & Women’s 
  • 10 – Hixson Spare Time Bowling Trip - 4PM
  • 15 – Late Night at the Library - 5PM–10PM
  • 17 – Should Food Luncheon - 11AM–1PM
  • 18 – SGA Cabinet Meeting - 12PM
  • 23 – Kimball Cupcakes & Canvas - 10AM–1PM
  • 24 – Opioid Awareness - TBA