
TigerAlert: Due to weather, all ChattState sites will close Friday, 01.10.25 and move to remote operations. Be safe.

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Establish a Fund

We welcome the opportunity to explore ways to meet your philanthropic goals and budget, and we look forward to a collaborative process as we strive to expand scholarship opportunities, faculty chairs of excellence and programmatic support for Chattanooga State Community College.

Named annual scholarships are recurring and repeatable gifts awarded to students on an academic year basis for the fall and spring semester. The suggested minimum award amount is $1,000 per year, per student. Some examples are listed below:

Annual Gift               Suggested award amount            

$        1,000                $1,000 per year for one student

$       2,000                 $1,000 per year for two students

$      $4,000                $2,000 per year for two students

Named endowed scholarships are invested in perpetuity by the Chattanooga State Foundation. Awards to students are made each academic year with a portion of the investment return. Suggested endowments range from $25,000 to a million or more. Some examples are listed below:

Endowed Gift           Suggested award amount                                                

$      25,000                Suggested award amount $1,000 per year for one student

$      50,000                Suggested award amount $2,000 per year for one student

$    100,000                Suggested award amount $4,000 per year for one student