Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance (TECTA)

The Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance (TECTA) is a statewide program that provides free training and academic tuition support to childcare providers and administrators. The program offers a free 30-hour Orientation with instruction in five areas: center-based child care, infant/toddler care, family child care, school-age child care, and administrator training.

The key to quality programs is the preparation of personnel with whom young children spend a significant portion of their time. Participation is free to anyone employed in a DHS or DOE licensed program. Certificates of Completion are awarded to those who complete the Orientation training.

After completion of the 30-hour Orientation participants may proceed by enrolling into Early Childhood College Courses. The first 4 college level courses are the path toward the Child Development Associate Credential (CDA). These college courses transfer into the Associate of Applied Science Degree. For further information on the four classes for the CDA, please see the link to the Career Lattice. Each year financial assistance is dependent upon funds allocated by the State Grant.

After completing course requirements toward CDA or Associate Degree, funding may also be available for those seeking a higher degree in Early childhood Education.

This project is funded through a contract with the Tennessee Department of Human Services and Tennessee State University, Center of Excellence for Learning Sciences.

TECTA Orientation Schedule
TECTA Fall Enrollment Form

TECTA Accreditation Program

Is your program ready to consider. . . ACCREDITATION?
Accreditation mean operating your childcare program based on nationally set standards verses state licensing
Check Yourself:

  • Does your program strive to work beyond the minimum state licensing standards for staff/training and staff child ratios?
  • Do you (and staff) have early childhood credentials such as TECTA training, CDA credential, associate's degree or an education or business degree?
  • Does your staff have work benefits?Are your rooms set up into (centers) for play opportunities such as blocks, dramatic play, creative art, science and cooking, manipulatives, library and puppets?
  • Do parents participate in your program in any way?
  • Does your program operate based on written policies to govern the program, staff and parents?

If you can answer "yes" to most of these questions, then you may be already exceeding state licensing and be ready to seek national accreditation for your high quality childcare program!
Call (423) 697-2697 for questions.

TECTA Professional Links