

General Information

  • Amount of SEOG funds are limited each year, priority is given to students based on the selection groups below. Only a small percentage of students can be awarded before funds are exhausted. The goal is to assist as many students as possible with grant funds whether the grant funds are received from state or federal resources.
    • Priority Selection Group 1: Students with a zero EFC, eligible for Federal PELL Grant, and are not awarded the TSAA Grant.
    • Priority Selection Group 2: Students with a zero EFC, eligible for the Federal PELL Grant, and awarded the TSAA Grant.
    • Priority Selection Group 3: Students with the lowest EFC, and eligible for Federal PELL Grant.
  • Amount of SEOG funds are limited, priority is given to students who qualify for PELL and complete their FAFSA early.
  • Maximum Award is $600 per academic year
  • There is no guarantee that every eligible student will receive a SEOG award.


Awarded to undergraduate, degree-seeking students who have not already obtained a bachelor's degree.