Reading & Writing Center - Policies

The Chattanooga State Writing Center assists students with all stages of the writing process. Tutors can aid students with writing problems and writing assignments, with the ultimate goal of student independence and skills growth over time.

Tutors can help with essays, research papers, speeches, business reports, etc. from any Chattanooga State course that requires written work. Tutors will suggest strategies for revising and improving written work, but do not edit or rewrite student papers. Furthermore, tutors will neither complete nor grade an assignment for a student, though they will aid students in determining where they need to focus their efforts and will provide instruction in strategies to understand materials.

While tutors do see students on a drop-in basis when possible, students are strongly encouraged to schedule appointments in advance. All students should make appointments early in order to allow sufficient time to work with the tutor prior to submitting an assignment. Writers should come early and often during the writing process. Staff can schedule appointments and answer questions by phone at (423) 697-2410.


Computer Policy

The Andrews Center lab is to be used for working on writing assignments only. Students using computers for social media or non-academic purposes may be asked to use the large library lab downstairs. 

From the Student Handbook: Unauthorized or inappropriate use of computers is prohibited. Such use includes, but is not limited to, damaging or altering records or programs; furnishing false information; invading the privacy of another user by using files, programs or data without authorization; engaging in disruptive, harassing and annoying behavior; and any unauthorized use of computer hardware, software, accounts, passwords or keywords. Please refer to the ChSCC Information Technology Policy 08:13 Computer Passwords and ChSCC Information Technology Policy 08:14 Responsible Use for complete details.

The Responsible Use Policy states in part:
Do not misuse computing, computer-based networks and/or information resources and privileges associated with their use by any of the following:

  • attempting to modify or remove computer equipment, software, or peripherals without proper authorization
  • circumventing or attempting to circumvent normal resource limits, logon procedures, and security regulations.
  • using the College's computing resources to harass or threaten other individuals
  • physically interfering with other users' access to the College's computing facilities
  • encroaching on others' use of the College's computers (e.g., disrupting others' computer use by excessive game playing; by sending excessive messages, either locally or off-campus [including but not limited to electronic chain letters]; printing excessive copies of documents, files, data, or programs; modifying system facilities, operating systems, or disk partitions; attempting to crash or tie up a College computer; damaging or vandalizing College computing facilities, equipment, software, or computer files)
  • posting or sending obscene, pornographic, sexually explicit, or offensive material
  • posting or sending material that is contrary to the mission or values of the College

Students who purposefully damage the computers or software, manipulate the computers or software in such a way that it interferes with normal operation of the computers or Center, or access websites that are considered pornographic, profane, or derogatory will be asked to leave the Center. In addition, you may be reported to campus security and the Judicial Affairs Officer.

If you have questions about what activities are allowed in the Center or what constitutes improper computer use, please ask your instructor or the instructional assistant.

Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated in the Andrews Center. The Chattanooga State policy on disruptive behavior will be followed. The policy, taken directly from the Student Handbook, states:


Disruptive Conduct

We expect students to respect faculty, staff and each other. Behavior which obstructs learning or threatens the security of others and interferes with the educational process or another student cannot be tolerated. Disruptive behavior is any behavior by a student while in class, on campus, or on a college sponsored activity that:

  • interferes with instruction,
  • interferes with other students’ rights to pursue learning,
  • violates college policies,
  • violates local, state, or federal laws,
  • or generally interferes with the smooth operation of the college.

Disruptive behavior will be addressed at the appropriate level. The process begins with staff or faculty; sanctions in some cases will be assigned as a matter of the Judicial Office.

Students who are disruptive will be asked to leave the Center. In addition, they may be reported to campus security and the Judicial Affairs Officer.

If you have questions about what activities are allowed in the Center or what constitutes improper computer use, please ask the Center director or manager.