Purpose, Values, & Mission Statement

Our Vision

5,000 Chattanooga State students of every race and income-level will earn a credential that creates a pathway to family-sustaining wages.

Our Purpose

We support and empower everyone in our community to learn without limits.

Our Values

We cultivate an inclusive environment.

We care about the well-being of each other.

We instill trust through integrity and transparency.

We encourage fearless innovation and resilience.

We collaborate to build a better future.

Our Mission

We are Chattanooga State, a dedicated team that delivers accessible, innovative learning opportunities that surpass expectations.

Together, we enrich the lives of students and their families; develop a talented workforce; and partner with our community to lead boldly into the future.

Holistic Student Support

Teaching Excellence

Program Innovation

Fiscal Stewardship

Organizational Culture & Inclusive Practices