October 24th, 2023

Dear Chattanooga State Community,

I trust you have started to find the flow of your classes as we continually move toward the end of the semester, and you are closer to your goals. Last week, I shared insights on enhancing retention through "active retrieval," a practice that hinges on actively recalling information rather than passive review. This approach underscores the act of engaging deeply with learning materials.

As you dive deeper into your academic journey, it's imperative to address a prevalent challenge in today’s digital age—distraction, notably through social media. While social media platforms offer a myriad of information and connectivity, their algorithms are structured to keep you on the platforms so that investors and advertisers can make more money. They can inadvertently foster procrastination and dissipate our focus from the core learning objectives.

Cal Newport, a renowned author and advocate for deep work, has zeroed in on the detrimental impact of distractions, particularly from social media, on our cognitive capacities. I encourage you to explore his enlightening discourse on mastering focus and managing distractions through the following resources:

Together with the active retrieval strategies I shared last week, overcoming digital distractions is a crucial step toward honing our ability to learn better. These two strategies pave the way for enhanced understanding and long-term retention of knowledge.

Here are some practical steps to consider:

  • Mindful Consumption: Be cognizant of the time spent on social media. Designate specific times for digital interaction and adhere to these schedules.
  • Digital Detox: Allocate periods where you disengage from digital platforms to immerse yourself in your studies, discussions, or reflective thinking.
  • Engage in Purposeful Discussions: Continue to engage in meaningful group discussions, which not only serve as a form of active retrieval but also foster a supportive learning community.

Your time at ChattState is an opportunity for you to grow in not only what you learn but also how you engage with the world. I believe in your capacity to triumph over distractions and am excited to witness the remarkable achievements that you will accomplish.


2024–2025 Scholarship Application Opens November 1

The 2024-2025 Scholarship Application will open on Wednesday, November 1 for Fall 2024 scholarship awards! ChattState and the Chattanooga State Foundation will award over $1 million in scholarships next year, but students must apply to be considered. The priority deadline for scholarship awards is March 1, 2024.

The 2024-2025 Scholarship Application will only be reviewed for scholarship awards beginning with the Fall 2024 semester.


Upcoming Events

  • October 24, 11 AM–1 PM, Student Center
    Employer Spotlight
  • October 26, 10 AM–1 PM, Student Center
    Transfer Fair
  • October 26, 12 PM–1 PM, Faculty/Staff Dining Hall
    Lunch & Learn: Cost of Climate Change
  • October 26, 7:30 PM, Humanities Theatre
    Happy Halloween Concert
  • October 31, 10 AM–1 PM, OMN Café
    Oktoberfest Student Experience


Rebecca Ashford, Ed.D.