Nottinham Act

TCA 49-7-129-TCA Title 49, Chapter 7, Part 1 has been amended to add section 49-7-129 which states in essence “... the chief security officer or chief law enforcement officer of such institution shall immediately notify the local law enforcement agency with territorial jurisdiction over the  institution if the medically unattended death of a person occurs on the property of such institution or if such officer or any other official of the institution is in receipt of a report a lleging that any degree of rape has occurred on the property of such institution. Upon notification pursuant to subsection (b), it shall be the duty of each agency to participate in a joint investigation of the death or alleged rape. In case of a medically
unattended death, the local law enforcement agency shall lead the investigation. In the case of an alleged rape, the institution’s law enforcement agency shall lead the investigation”.

B. A statement that the institution will assist the student in notifying these authorities, if the student requests the assistance of these personnel:

The college will assist victims in notifying the appropriate legal authorities should the victim wish to do so. The college will also assist victims in finding alternate on-campus housing accommodations, if requested, and in making any additional accommodations to remedy the effects of the misconduct.

C. Students will be notified of existing on-and off-campus counseling, mental health or other services for victim of sex offenses: 

It is important that victims understand the value of obtaining and/or receiving help in dealing with the crime. Existing counseling, mental health or student services for victims of sexual assault: