March 11th, 2024

Dear Chattanooga State Community,

I hope you had a restful Spring Break and that you are ready to return to class energized and inspired to finish the second half of the spring semester with even greater success than the first.

Often, it can be challenging to stay motivated to mid-semester. If you were happy with your progress in the first seven weeks, it might be daunting to keep the same level of focus you had through the second seven weeks. If you weren’t so happy with your progress in the first seven weeks, you might be feeling overwhelmed with the thought of second half of the semester.

I encourage you to go back to your why—the reason you are in college. Is it to prepare for a great career? Get the first half of a bachelor’s degree? Are you the first in your family to attend college? Are you a parent setting an example for your children? Begin this second seven weeks with the end in mind. Picture your life once you’ve achieved your goal. Let that be your daily driver when you wonder if the reward is worth the effort. It is worth the effort. YOU are worth the effort.

Remember, the second seven weeks is a new beginning. You can build upon your past success, or you can reinvent yourself. You can do this, and we are here to help you every step of the way.


Register Now for Summer and Fall

  • March is advising month, be sure to schedule an appointment with your advisor so you can register for summer and fall classes.
  • Summer Classes begin May 6, May 28, and July 2.
  • Fall Classes begin August 19.
  • This year, if you are a TN Promise student, TN Promise will cover Summer Classes!


Upcoming Events


  • March 12, 10:30 AM–12:30 PM, IMC Building (Library Building)
    Careers on the Move
  • March 12, 11:00 AM, OMNI B-119
    Parent T.R.A.P.
  • March 13, 9:00 AM–12:00 PM
    Come to College Day with MOM(entum)
  • March 14, 11:00 AM, Main Café
    Pi(e) Day
  • March 19, 10:00 AM–1:00 PM, Gerald McCormick Center
    Engineering & IT + TCAT Career Fair
  • March 20, 11:00 AM–1:00 PM, Faculty Staff Dining Hall
    Shy Speaks EmpowerHer Session

  • March 26, 10:00 AM–1:00 PM, Student Center
    Social & Behavioral Sciences Career Fair

  • March 27, 9:00 AM-1:00 PM, Amphitheatre
    Clothes Swap

  • March 27, 12:00 PM–1:00 PM, Amphitheatre
    Women on the Move

  • March 28th
    SGA President and VP Candidate Packet Submission Deadline

  • April 3, 10:00 AM–2:00 PM, Main Campus
    Campus Beautification Day (Student Edition)

  • April 3, 12:30 PM, OMN 124/126, Faculty/Staff Dining Hall 
    Student Cabinet

  • April 11, 11:00 AM, Ampitheater
    SGA President and VP Candidates Meet the Campus


ATHLETICS (Home Games)

Women’s Softball

  • March 15, 2:00 PM
    vs. Motlow State
  • March 16, 12:00 PM
    vs. Motlow State
  • March 20, 1:00 PM
    Vs. Wallace State

Men’s Baseball

  • March 18, 1:00 PM
    vs. BCA Post Grad
  • March 29, 2:00 PM
    vs. Roane State
  • March 30, 12:00 PM
    vs. Roane State


Rebecca Ashford, Ed.D.