Bond Arts & Culture Series: Black History Seminar - Dr. Felysha Jenkins

Dr. Felysha Jenkins
Tuesday, February 01, 2022
12:30 pm
Off Campus

Join the Bond Arts and Culture Series for our 2nd annual Black History Seminar with our forever family, Dr. Felysha Jenkins! Dr. Jenkins, now Vanderbilt University’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion program manager for basic sciences, will educate us on “How to Speak Up – From Bystander to Participant” 

Have you ever heard someone say an unnecessarily unkind word to another and wanted to intervene but didn’t know how? Or, has someone spoken inappropriate statements to you that left you unable to respond on your own behalf? Don’t you hate it when that happens? If you do, please join us on Tuesday, February 1, at 12:30pm EST when Dr. Felysha Jenkins will use the RAVEN method to discuss, “How to Speak Up – From Bystander to Participant.” She will give you strategies and tools to use that will help you speak effectively on your behalf or on the behalf of another. 

Questions? Contact Stracee Jones, Bond Series Committee Chair at 423.697.2409


Please click the link below to register for the Black History Seminar: 

 Date: Tuesday February 1, 2022
Time: 12:30p – 1:30p
Location: Zoom