A Message from Your Alumni Association President

March 9, 2017 | Julie Davis | College Advancement

ALUMNI featured in photo including photo of Tabatha Armour and 3 member from Class of 1967

In this day and age of social media and online meetings, staying in touch with others has become increasingly easier. However, in my opinion there is no replacement for personal interaction and being part of a group physically. The Chattanooga State Alumni Association offers the best of both of these worlds and we would love for you to join us and be part of it!

My name is Julie Davis, and I am honored to serve as the first recently elected, President of the new Chattanooga State Alumni Association. As your new president, I am ready to help build and strengthen our beloved Chattanooga State Community College. To that end, please help our association take the next step by remaining involved in the life of the school by joining the Alumni Association. We can have an immediate impact upon the success of our alma mater, its current students and our alumni community in small and large ways.

The “Community” in Chattanooga State Community College does not just apply to students, faculty and staff currently on the campus. The Community is just that, a community of people, young and seasoned who share one commonality, the love and appreciation for our school. If you have ever been part of this robust community, I am sure you still feel the same way. The school is unique. From its faculty and staff, to its students and graduates, being part of CSCC is being part of a legacy. There are many ways to support the school and alumni association. Just a few of those being, volunteering your time, attending sporting events, hiring Chattanooga State graduates, monetary donations and being active in the alumni association. The first step to becoming a part of this alumni association is to visit our website at chattanoogastate.edu/alumni and complete the contact form.

The purpose of the Alumni Association is to increase the connection alumni have with the College and provide opportunities to allow alumni to strengthen their bond with the College. I encourage you to take full advantage of the great programs and events that the Alumni Association sponsors and organizes. Our programs provide a great opportunity to connect with fellow Chattanooga State alumni, share our common past and maintain a connection to the College. Because we are still in our infancy as an organization, we are using this year as a growth opportunity. We would love for you to be in on the ground floor of that growth.  Once you have signed up on the website and liked our page on Facebook, you can keep up with the group and find opportunities throughout the year to connect and get involved.

We are always open to suggestions and you may reach us via email at alumni@ChattanoogaState.edu. We look forward to meeting you or hearing from you and building a stronger alumni association together. Go Tigers!