Tumlin Named Chamber Volunteer of the Year

June 14, 2017 | | Faculty Spotlight

clomeisha tumlin
Clomeisha Tumlin, business instructor at Chattanooga State Community College, recently received the Chattanooga Area Chamber of Commerce Volunteer of the Year Award for her dedication and service in the tenth grade “Get a Job” program. Tumlin has been volunteering with the Chamber for three years. Qualifications for nomination include a commitment to deliver the materials provided by the Chamber of Commerce to students in Hamilton County Schools. In addition, the volunteer must be prompt, show enthusiasm, and be consistently prepared. By volunteering with the “Get a Job" program, she is able to live out her passion by working with a diverse set of youth that are also passionate about their future. In this program, students are instructed on the finer points of interviewing skills, completing job applications, dressing for success, and other topics of importance for the 21st century workforce. “The skills and knowledge gained are transferrable and will help any student who plans to be employed by others in the future. It keeps you in touch with the schools as well as building relationships,” says Tumlin. Clomeisha thrives on giving back to the community because mentors instilled the same wisdom and experience in her. However, she never considered teaching as a full-time career even though she loved sharing her knowledge with others. She received her undergraduate degree from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and worked in human resources with local health companies prior to teaching. Tumlin has been a business instructor at Chattanooga State for the past two years. Teaching provides her with a win-win situation because she is able to bring her workplace experiences into the classroom while still learning from the students at Chattanooga State. Tumlin recommends that teachers take advantage of the Chamber development programs geared towards Hamilton County School students. Through it, one is provided with real life experience with our community’s youth and the students enjoy hearing professional success stories. Her motto is, “If each one, teach one; we will have a great tomorrow.” For more information about Chamber volunteer programs, please contact Darian Scott, outreach coordinator at dscott@chattanoogachamber.com.