WebCAPE Placement Exam for Foreign Languages - Basic Information

What is the test and how is it used?

The WebCAPE Placement Exam is a computerized, progressive, adaptive test that allows students to assess and certify their ability in a second language. The exam was developed by Brigham Young University and is widely used in this country.

The WebCAPE Placement Exam is commonly used for placement or advancement in Foreign Languages. At Chattanooga State, students enrolled, pre-enrollment or transient, in French, German or Spanish can take the WebCAPE to see if they have the aptitude to move up to a more advanced class.

How long will the test take?

Depending on a student’s abilities, the test may take 15-30 minutes.

How can a student access the test?

Click here to take the test online.

Links to the test are also available on:

Is there a fee?

Yes, students will pay a $10 fee to take the test. The fee will be paid by the student with a credit or debit card when they sign-in to the test.

Why is this a good idea?

None of the standard assessments for college entrance test a student’s ability in Foreign Language. Students do not really know what their ability may be and are directed into beginning classes, even when their knowledge may be beyond that level.

The WebCAPE allows students to obtain a true assessment and certification of their ability. With the score they can register into an appropriate class based on their acquired language. Students can, in fact, capitalize on their ability.

Students can test into higher classes. With the score, the student can register in the higher class. Then, on completion of that class with a grade of “C” or better, the student will receive the grade for that class on their transcript as well as credit for the lower, normally required classes, that he/she tested out of. For example: if a student tests into 2010, takes that course and passes with a “C” or better, that student will receive the grade for 2010 as well as credit for 1010 and 1020, at no charge to the student.

With the WebCAPE score, students can save themselves semesters of work and hundreds of dollars. With the WebCAPE score, students can accelerate their studies in the language, moving themselves to fluency faster.

Note: The WebCAPE itself does not give the student any course credit. The student must take and pass the designated class to earn the credit for lower classes.

How does the score get to Registrar’s?

Students should print out two copies of the score page, one for themselves and one to turn in at the main desk in the student center. The student’s name and A# must be clearly marked on the copy submitted to Registrar’s at the front desk in the student center.