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Chattanooga State’s Judy Lowe featured Presenter for NROC Webinar

February 27, 2013 | | Press Release

Judy Lowe

Judy Lowe, Chattanooga State Community College assistant vice president, Center for Distributed Education, will be the featured presenter for a webinar sponsored by the National Repository for Online Courses Network (NROC) on February 28 at 2 p.m. (EST). The topic is “Using NROC Math to Prepare for College Placement Exams.”

According to its website, NROC, “is a growing library of high-quality online course content for students and faculty in higher education, high school and Advanced Placement*. This non-profit project, supported by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, is an Open Educational Resource (OER) and facilitates collaboration among a community of content developers to serve students and teachers worldwide.”

HippoCampus is a free, public website for middle school, high school and colleges students as well as instructors that provides NROC multimedia content. Institutions using NROC content must pay a membership fee to the NROC Network. However, organizations that serve disadvantaged students are granted free membership privileges.

HippoCampus is accessible to Chattanooga State students via a link on the college’s homepage.

Chattanooga State Community College has been piloting the NROC Math content to support students wishing to retake the college placement exam.

“This session will share the rationale, process, initial results and next steps for expanding the use of the resources to accelerate student paths through Developmental Math,” said Lowe.