Medical Coding and Billing - Admission Process

Application Procedures

  • If not a currently enrolled student, submit Chattanooga State application to Chattanooga State Admission Office and follow their admission checklist to be accepted into Chattanooga State
  • Attend an info session to help understand the MCB admission procedure
  • Schedule an appointment with the NandAH academic advisor or MCB instructor
  • Complete appropriate college credit courses
  • Submit Allied Health application for Medical Coding and Billing and use the MCB admission checklist to successfully complete the program application process.

Note: If you have any application updates or inquires call application coordinator at 423-697-2504.

Selection Process

All required materials should be submitted once the student has decided to pursue the program. This can be done at any time of the year. However the deadline is the first Monday in May each year for the upcoming fall class. NOTE: Only if there were not enough qualified applicants to fill the 20 available spaces in the class would applications be accepted after the May deadline.

  • Admission to the Medical Coding and Billing Program is based on previous high school and college achievement and an interview with the MCB Selection Committee. A point system is used in the selection process.
  • All learning support coursework must be completed prior to applying to the MCB program.
  • Tennessee residents are given priority consideration over out-of-state applicants. Successful completion of required courses weighs favorably in the admission review process; GPA will be considered; candidates must have a 2.0 GPA or better (includes transfer and institutional credit).
  • Once the database is established using information supplied by the applicant, information is verified, points are calculated and applicants are numerically ranked.
  • Applicants with the highest points and program file complete, will be invited to advance to the interview stage of the admission process. Students within a 120 mile radius will be required to interview in person. Other candidates will interview via Skype.
  • Acceptance and denial letters will be mailed to each applicant.

Additional Requirements

  1. During their 2nd year, students are required to become student members of AAPC (American Academy of Professional Coders). This membership provides the Student with access to the professional Journal which will be used for class assignments.