Radiologic Technology Additional Information

Required General Education Courses

The Radiologic Technology program at Chattanooga State is a 6-semester program and full-time status is required.  Students are accepted in summer and will graduate two years later in spring with an Associate of Applied Science degree in Radiologic Technology.

The program is accredited by the Joint review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology, 20 North Wacker Dr, Suite 2850, Chicago, Illinois 60606-3182. The program is reviewed for compliance with the maximum award of 8 years. 

The current accreditation award for the RADT program is 8 years.

Individuals successfully completing the Chattanooga State Radiologic Technology Program are eligible to apply for certification by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists. 

The goal of all Chattanooga State health programs is to prepare practitioners who can function in the health care arena to ensure the safety of patients. Program standards are in place to assure that students have the potential to perform as entry-level practitioners. Acceptance into a health program is contingent upon the student's demonstrated ability to meet these standards.

Competitive Admission

The RADT program has a competitive admission process and points are awarded to applicants with completed general education courses prior to program admission.  You must have an inclusive GPA of 2.5 or higher and attend one RADT information session during the application year (August – April) to be considered for the qualified applicant pool.  Completion of the application process and general education courses does not guarantee program acceptance.

RADT Competitive Admission Points

Applicants may earn a total of 506 possible points for program admission. 

  • Completion of ATI TEAS (required for RADT application) for 100 maximum points
  • Completion of general education courses for 230 maximum points (only grades of C or higher will earn points)
  • Completion of all six general education courses prior to application for 30 points (this includes courses completed during the spring semester of the application year, points awarded all or nothing)
  • TN residents earn 1 maximum point
  • The top fifty applicants from the qualified pool will be interviewed and may earn a maximum of 130 points for the final part of the RADT competitive admission process.  A writing sample is included in the interview portion.  A group of approximately 32 students will be accepted each fall semester with 6-8 students designated as alternates. 
  • Applicants can document a minimum of 10 hours up to a maximum of 20 hours of observation hours in a full-service Radiology department for the opportunity to earn up to 10 points toward RADT competitive admission.  Completion of 10 hours can earn up to 5 maximum points and completion of 20 hours can earn up to 10 maximum points for admission scoring.  Please note that observation hours are voluntary and not required for RADT program application.  Please submit the RADT Observation Form with your application materials.
  • Applicants may earn a maximum of 5 additional points by completing a Medical Terminology course approved by the Chattanooga State Records Office.

Progression Policy


All courses in the RADT curriculum must be completed with a grade of C or better to advance in the program.
Grading Scale:
A = 89.5 – 100
B = 79.5 – 89.4
C = 69.5 – 79.4

Below Mastery Level (program dismissal):
D = 59.5 – 69.4
F = below 59.5

Program courses follow an attendance policy and excessive absenteeism may result in final course grade reduction and/or program dismissal.

Students who do not meet the clinical education criteria may be given an "I" (incomplete) grade. A grade of "I" will be given to any student in a clinical course who does not complete the minimum hours of clinical attendance as specified for that course. An "I" becomes an "F" if work is not completed within two weeks into the next semester.

Repeat Policy and Termination

Students who do not meet the progression criteria or who receive a grade of "D" or "F" in any course in the program will immediately be withdrawn. Such individuals will be allowed to re-apply and will be given consideration for articulation back into the program if clinical space is available. Readmitted students who do not meet the progression criteria or who receive a grade of "D" or "F" in any course in the program will be permanently terminated from the program and advised to pursue another course of study. Chattanooga State does provide academic counseling.

Clinical Obligations

Clinical assignments for each student, totaling approximately 1,500 clock hours, are required. The RADT program follows the Chattanooga State academic calendar for semester start and end dates, holidays, and breaks.  No clinical assignments will be scheduled weekdays after 7pm or weekends. Students are responsible for transportation to and from the College and the affiliated hospitals. Student liability insurance is required.

The longest length of travel from campus to a clinical affiliate is approximately 37 miles. Ample and safe driving times are incorporated into the program schedule.

This program is designed for the student who does not intend to transfer to a baccalaureate degree program.  However, educational degree and certificate programs in nuclear medicine, radiation therapy, ultrasound, and baccalaureate radiologic science usually accept our graduates as transfer students.

Students are not allowed monetary compensation for clinical assignments.

Articulation Agreement

ChSCC radiologic technology program maintains an articulation agreement with ETSU (online BS completion program).

Health Awareness Information

Possible Health Risks To Women Who Are Exposed To Radiation During Pregnancy

As a student in a medical radiography program, it is probable that you will receive some exposure to ionizing radiation. However, the risk incurred is slight and is to be accepted in the same way as are risks by workers in other fields, such as electricians and chemists. you will receive instruction regarding radiation protection and you will be monitored to determine the amount of radiation you receive.

State and Federal regulations set the dose limit for radiation workers at 5 rems per year, but this level is not considered desirable and the dose should be kept as low as practicable.

One problem which arises is the possibility of radiation exposure during the early weeks of pregnancy even before the woman is aware of the condition. The problem in this case is the exposure to the fetus. In the early stages of development, certain tissues and organs are especially sensitive to radiation. The present recommendation is that the total dose to a woman for the entire gestation period shall be 0.5 rem and no more than .05 rem per month. All fertile women should be considered as potentially pregnant with regard to radiation exposure. This means that radiation exposure should be kept to a minimum at all times.A woman may declare her pregnancy by notifying the Radiologic Technology Program in writing of the pregnancy along with an estimated date of conception so that the estimated dose to the embryo/fetus prior to the declaration of pregnancy can be determined.Awomancannotberequiredtomakethisdeclarationof pregnancy, and may withdraw her declaration of pregnancy at any time. The decision to make a declaration of pregnancy and/or to withdraw the declaration of pregnancy is strictly a woman’s choice and is entirely voluntary. If you declare your pregnancy, you must sign a release and receive instruction regarding the radiation protection of your embryo/fetus.

Any woman that does not declare her pregnancy or withdraws her declaration of pregnancy shall be subject to the normal occupational dose limits outlined in "State Regulations for Protection Against Radiation" 1200-2-5-.56.
The college and clinical affiliates will take all practical steps to reduce your radiation exposure. By monitoring your radiation exposure, it can be determined whether it is likely that the fetus could receive .05 rem in a month or 0.5 rem or more before birth. It is your responsibility to decide whether the exposure you are receiving is low enough to protect your unborn child. The alternatives that you might want to consider are:

  1. You could delay having children until you are no longer working in an area where the radiation dose to your unborn baby could exceed .05 rem per month or 0.5 rem for the gestation period.
  2. If you do become pregnant, you might consider leaving the program until after the birth of the child and re-entering at some later time. you must make a decision without delay because the unborn child is most sensitive to radiation during the first three (3) months of pregnancy.
  3. You may also, of course, choose to continue the program but with full awareness that you are doing so at some small risk for your unborn child. If you choose to continue, you will be expected to perform all the duties of a student.

you could reduce your exposure where possible by decreasing the amount of time you spend in the radiation areas, increasing your distance from the radiation source, and using shielding and proper protection devices.

The following facts should be read to help you make a decision:

  1. The first three (3) months of pregnancy are the most important, so you should make your decision quickly.
  2. In most cases of occupational exposure the actual dose received by the unborn baby is less than the dose received by the mother because some of the exposure is absorbed by the mother’s body.
  3. At the present occupational exposure limit, the actual risk to the unborn baby is small, but experts disagree on the exact amount of risk.
  4. There is no need to be concerned about sterility or loss of your ability to bear children. The radiation dose required to produce such effects is more than 100 times larger than the dose limit for adults.
  5. Be aware, there is a .05 rem dose limit per month and a 0.5 rem dose limit for the full nine (9) month pregnancy.

If you have any questions, consult the Radiologic Technology Program Director. Additional information concerning prenatal exposure may also be obtained by contacting the Department of Environment and Conservation, Division of Radiological Health at (615) 532-0364.

Additional Requirements

Students must provide proof of current CPR certification for health professionals. This must be maintained throughout the radiologic technology program. The requirement must be met with current documentation for the American Heart Association Basic Life Support for Health Professionals.

All clinical students must provide proof of individual health insurance at their own cost. This insurance differs from the college liability insurance and will cover any personal health issues arising during student participation in clinical education activities.

Health Verification

Prior to enrollment, students must provide evidence through a health verification form and all required tests, including a drug screen and specific immunizations, that they are in good health and free from communicable diseases prior to the beginning of the fall term. Because radiologic technology involves the direct care of patients, it will be required that students receive the Hepatitis-B vaccination series and an annual flu shot. Other specific immunizations and/or tests include MMR, Varicella, Tdap and N95 Fit Test. All screenings and tests are the financial responsibility of the student.

Criminal Background Checks

Following acceptance and prior to entering the first clinical course in designated health care programs, each student must undergo a criminal background check in order to comply with policies of affiliating clinical practice agencies. It shall be the student’s responsibility to comply with instructions provided upon acceptance and provide the results by a designated date. The check will be at the expense of the student. Students who do not meet this requirement in a timely manner or whose background does not meet agency standards will not be able to successfully complete the program. Additionally, a criminal background may preclude licensure or employment. Individuals with a question concerning this should schedule an appointment with the Program Director.

Eligibility to Write ARRT Certification Examination

Individuals who have been convicted of a crime other than a minor traffic violation could be ineligible for certification by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT), even though they have successfully completed a radiologic technology program. Individuals with a question should file a preapplication with the ARRT in order to obtain a ruling.

Essential Functions/Technical Standards

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, students must be, with reasonable accommodation, physically and mentally capable of performing the essential functions of the program.

  • Critical thinking ability sufficient for clinical judgement.
  • Interpersonal abilities sufficient for interaction with individuals, families and groups.
  • Communication abilities sufficient for interaction with others in verbal and written form.
  • Physical abilities sufficient to:
    • be self-mobile and able to maintain a center of gravity when met with an opposing force as in lifting, supporting and/or transferring a patient.
    • propel wheelchairs, stretchers, etc., alone or with assistance as available.
    • move and manipulate the patient’s body and body regions in order to provide care and patient support, and to position patient for imaging and/or treatment.
    • work with and observe a patient above the standard radiologic examination height of 36 inches above floor level.
    • reach, manipulate, and operate mechanisms such as imaging tables, x-ray tubes, collimators, control consoles, x-ray film processors, etc., at standard locations and placements.
    • handle and use cassettes, imaging mechanisms, passboxes, and adjunct radiologic items such as foot boards and shoulder supports.
    • propel standard mobile imaging units, and perform procedural tasks in a routine patient room and/or surgical unit.
    • withstand lengthy periods of physical activity to include moving quickly, and at times continuously.
  • Gross and fine motor abilities sufficient to:
    • provide safe and effective patient care and management.
    • handle and utilize procedural items such as pharmaceuticals, vials, syringes, sterile items, catheters, intravascular materials, dressings, etc.
  • Auditory abilities sufficient to monitor and assess health needs of patients.
  • Visual abilities sufficient for:
    • observation and assessment necessary in patient care and management.
    • radiographic positioning, imaging field placement and alignment, and image analysis.
  • Tactile ability sufficient for physical assessment of patients.
  • Ability to perceive events realistically, to think clearly and rationally, and to function independently in routine, stress, and/or emergency situations.

Any student who may require accommodations should schedule an appointment with the Radiologic Technology Program Director.