Academic Misconduct Procedures

(2)    Academic Misconduct Procedures

(a)    The faculty member who determines that a student has engaged in an act of academic misconduct, violated principles of academic integrity and/or “cheated” in connection with an assignment, test, course taught by the faculty member or an examination proctored by the faculty member, or his or her designee may choose to exercise the disciplinary process as outlined below:

  1. The instructor should collect all information regarding the situation.  Such information may include the student’s papers, printed copies of material from a book or website, tests, unauthorized sources or unauthorized devices.
  2. The faculty member must complete the “Academic Integrity Violation Report”. This form can be located in Tiger Web or on the Chattanooga State Website.
  3. The faculty member shall notify the appropriate department chairperson of the action.
  4. The faculty member must notify the student and schedule a conference with him or her. During the conference the faculty member will present the student with a copy of the “Academic Integrity Violation Report” form.  Supporting documentation of the academic integrity violation should accompany the form.  The form must include possible sanctions for the violation.
  5. The faculty member will discuss the incident as described on the form including the possible sanctions.
  6. The faculty member will give the student a chance to respond and a written statement from the student will be attached to the form.
  7. A student’s grade in the course, or the assignment or examination affected by the alleged academic misconduct may be lowered to any extent, including a grade of “F”.
  8. The faculty member will explain the student’s right to due process.  The student will also be given a copy of the Academic Integrity Violation Incident Report, information describing due process rights and the hearing procedures in written format.
  9. If the student admits violation the student indicates yes on the Academic Integrity violation report form.  If the student admits the violation and agrees to the sanctions to be imposed by the faculty member, the violation report form will be filed with the Academic Department head and a copy forwarded to the Academic Integrity Committee Chairperson, the Vice President for Academic Affairs Office, and the Judicial Affairs Office.  The report will be kept on file in the office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs and with the Judicial Affairs Office.
  10. If the student does not accept the faculty member’s findings and /or sanctions, he or she may elect a hearing.  The student will be referred to the appropriate department to request a hearing.
  11. To elect a hearing, the student will contact the department head.  The student must make the request to the Department head within five (5) days of the conference with the instructor.
  12. A hearing will be scheduled as promptly as possible, but no sooner than five (5) days after the request for hearing is received.
  13. The student will be notified of the time, date, and place of the hearing, allowing reasonable time for preparation.
  14. Failure of the student to appear at a hearing will be treated as a waiver of the right to a hearing.
  15. The chairman of the Academic Integrity Hearing Committee will conduct the hearing.
  16. The Academic Integrity charge and documenting information will be presented to the board by the faculty member or his or her designee.
  17. The student will have the right to present her or his case and the right to be accompanied by an advisor, to call witnesses and to confront witnesses against the student and of the method and time limitations for appeal.
  18. A majority of the Committee members of the hearing committee must be in agreement in order for a decision to be binding.
  19. The Committee will render its’ decision at the conclusion of the hearing by a majority vote. A copy of the decision will be sent to the student within three business days and a copy will be forwarded to the office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.  The decision will be filed in the office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs and the office of Judicial Affairs.  
  20. The student may appeal the decision of the Academic Integrity Hearing Committee to the Vice President for Academic Affairs within five (5) business days of notification of the decision.  Such appeals must be in writing and shall be delivered to the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  21. The Vice President will review the written appeal form from the student which must include the student’s basis for the appeal, the record of the academic integrity Hearing Committee, the attached documentation, and other relevant information.
  22. The Vice President for Academic Affairs will issue a written decision within five (5) business days.  The decision of the Vice President for Academic Affairs will be final.

(3)    The Academic Integrity  Hearing Committee

The Academic Integrity Hearing Committee is a college-wide standing committee composed of two (2) faculty members, ( 1) staff member  and two (2) students, all appointed by the Vice President of Academic Affairs or his or her designee.  Academic Integrity Hearing Committee members will serve staggered terms of three calendar years.  If a committee member is not able to serve the three year term, the Vice President of Academic Affairs will appoint a replacement.  A majority of the Committee members present for a hearing must be in agreement in order for a decision to be binding on a student.

In the event that the Committee’s decision, requires a grade sanction to be overturned the grade will be adjusted by appropriate administrative action.

(4)    Classroom Misconduct
Charges not involving academic integrity violations must adhere to judicial processes found in Part 4 and Part 6 of the Chattanooga State Disciplinary Policy document.

(a)    The instructor has primary responsibility for maintenance of academic integrity and control over classroom behavior and can order the temporary removal or exclusion from the classroom of any student engaged in disruptive conduct or conduct that violates the general rules and regulations of the institution for each class session during which the conduct occurs. Extended or permanent exclusion from the classroom, beyond the session in which the conduct occurred, or further disciplinary action can be effected only through appropriate procedures of the institution. The instructor shall report any incident in which the faculty member finds it necessary to remove a student for one or more class periods to the Office of Judicial Affairs and to the academic department chair. The Judicial Officer will meet with the instructor and with the student to determine the appropriate action before the next class period.   If an instructor wishes to remove a student from the classroom for a longer period of time, or permanently, he/she must refer the student to the Office of Judicial Affairs and Mediation Services to initiate the disciplinary process.  A student can subsequently be removed from the classroom for each additional incident of disruptive conduct.  Disruptive conduct is defined as conduct which may include, but is not limited to, intentional interference with the normal classroom procedure or presentation of the instructor or other student(s) and/or interference with another student's right to pursue coursework.

This policy is promulgated pursuant to, and in compliance with,TBR Rule 0240-02-03-.03 Academic and Classroom Misconduct. To the extent that a conflict exists between this policy and TBR rule, policy and/or applicable law(s), the TBR rule, policy and/or law will control. History – Adopted by TBR: 12/8/11.  Effective: 1/29/12.