Excellence in Action: ChattState Honors Students Present at Regional Conference

April 30, 2024 | Payton Potter | Student Success

ChattState Honors Program students Benjamen L. and Elijah W. standing by a poster board for their presentation titled “Hydrology: Building Bridges to a Sustainable Future Amidst Climate Challenges.”

CHATTANOOGA, TN – Earlier this month, a group of Chattanooga State Community College Honors Program students traveled to Jacksonville, Florida, to present their research on issues affecting the communities in Chattanooga and beyond. 

The presentations took place at the Southern Reginal Honors Council (SRHC) conference on April 4-7. ChattState is the only community college in Tennessee that is an SRHC member institution. 

Student Valentina H. dove deep into the importance of intentional parenting. Her research asked how present and intentional parents impact a child’s overall well-being. Ultimately, she found that children with two involved parents face better outcomes as adults. 

Valentina, who is a dual-enrollment student at Collegiate High, said SRHC was the first conference she has ever attended. For her, attending the conference was more than just a learning opportunity—it was a chance to connect to her culture. 

“I really enjoyed the diversity of Florida,” she said. “I am Peruvian, and I never really meet other people like me here in Chattanooga. It was exciting for me.” 

She said the conference was also an opportunity for her to gain public speaking experience. 

ChattState Honors student Valentina H. stands by a poster board for her presentation titled "Raising the Bar: The Unseen Effects of Fatherhood on Childrens’ Destinies."“I was really proud of myself and how my presentation went,” she said. “Public speaking is something I try to work on. It was a great experience.” 

Civil engineering students Benjamen L. and Elijah W. gave a presentation titled “Hydrology: Building Bridges to a Sustainable Future Amidst Climate Challenges.” 

“This study is crucial as it helps mitigate the impacts of floods, ensures the availability of water for various purposes, and supports the development of resilient infrastructure in the face of changing climatic conditions,” their presentation read, in part. 

Ben said a key takeaway of the conference for him was the opportunity to network with other Honors students from across the region. 

“The highlight of the conference for me was being able to meet everybody in different honors programs and hear their experience. Getting to talk with the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Honors students was really interesting,” he said.

The trip was organized by Dr. Angie Wood, director of ChattState’s Honors Program. 

"Being a member of the SRHC is a significant achievement for ChattState,” Dr. Wood said. “Membership in the SRHC recognizes the academic excellence of Chattanooga State's honors program and its scholars. It indicates that the college has met certain standards of quality and rigor in its honors curriculum.” 

Among the benefits of SRHC membership is access to a network of resources including conferences, workshops, and publications tailored to honors education. 

ChattState students also benefit from SRHC membership when transferring to a four-year institution. 

“Many universities value the experiences and achievements gained through participation in a recognized honors program,” Dr. Wood said. 

The 2025 SRHC conference will be held in Chattanooga and hosted in collaboration with ChattState and UTC.