
TigerAlert: Due to weather, all ChattState sites will close Friday, 01.10.25 and move to remote operations. Be safe.

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Simulated Active Shooter Training Scheduled at Chattanooga State on August 9

July 20, 2023 | Nancy Patterson | Press Release

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Chattanooga, Tennessee, July 20, 2023 —Chattanooga State announces a simulated active shooter training scheduled to take place on Wednesday, August 9, 2023. The main campus will be closed from 7 AM to 1 PM that day to safely and effectively carry out the drill designed to train first responders.

The purpose of this training is to promote campus safety and enhance preparedness and response measures for potential active shooter incidents. Chattanooga State’s Campus Police is planning the drill in collaboration with the Chattanooga Police Department, the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office, and Hamilton County Emergency Operations Center. First-responder participants will practice essential procedures and strategies to ensure a coordinated and effective response.

Chief Dan Renegar, Chattanooga State’s Chief of Police, highlights the importance of such training, stating, "Active shooter training plays a vital role in preparing our community to respond to emergency situations. By familiarizing ourselves with these protocols, we empower ourselves to take quick and decisive actions, potentially saving lives. It is crucial that we work together to create a safer campus environment."  

Chattanooga State requests the cooperation of students, employees, and the public during the closure period by not coming to campus between 7 AM - 1 PM.

The campus will re-open at 1:00 PM on August 9.