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Zimmerman Named State OSY Winner

May 15, 2014 | | Press Release

Karla Zimmerman

Chattanooga, TN --- After the excitement of winning Chattanooga State’s Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT) Outstanding Student of the Year (OSY) in November 2013, Karlie Zimmerman took home first place in the regional competition held in Knoxville during January 2014. She recently upped her game by capturing the state title in April and won a 2014 Chevrolet Spark for her efforts. The OSY competition typically chooses nine regional winners – three each from the East, Middle and West – who are selected to compete in the state finals, which are held in Chattanooga in conjunction with the state SkillsUSA competition. In recognition of being named a state finalist, all nine students are given the choice of a laptop or iPad. The state finalist wins a car. Despite surviving a brain injury suffered during the birth of her child, Ms. Zimmerman maintains a 3.9 GPA in the medical assisting program and will graduate in August 2014. Having a brain injury only served to fire up her determination to overcome it. She and TCAT student coordinator Suzanne Myatt spent time together practicing her speech, interview questions and general rules of business etiquette before each competition. Karlie’s energy and zest for life is simply contagious. “I have a passion for technical education that I am excited to share with others,” says Ms. Zimmerman. Feeling excited and very blessed, she added, “All of the contestants were amazing and I am honored to have been able to meet each and every one of them. It was such an honor to represent not only TCAT Chattanooga, but also, the state of Tennessee. I am looking forward to what the upcoming year has in store for me.” For more information on programs through the Tennessee College of Applied Technology at ChattState, please visit www.chattanoogastate.edu/tcat/programs.html or call 423.697.4404.