TN Association of Manufacturers presents Award to Chattanooga State

April 24, 2013 | | Press Release

Chattanooga, TN --- The Tennessee Association of Manufactures (TAM), formerly known as the Chattanooga Regional Manufacturers Association (CRMA), presented Chattanooga State Community College with the 2013 Partner of Excellence Award for the work the College does training the employees of various manufacturing companies in Tennessee.

According to Ben Ubamadu, Chattanooga State vice president for Economic & Community Development, “We have been working with Tim Spires and the TMA for a long time. He has always represented the Chattanooga area professionally and actively. We hold Tim and the TMA in the highest respect. It is a great honor to know that they have us in the same respect. It makes me proud to be part of the College that is so well regarded in the area. This award means a great deal to us.”

Last year, Chattanooga State’s Center for Workforce Development and Training provided instruction in four different countries, including the United States, Germany, Mexico, and Brazil, and in five different languages, English, Spanish, German, French, and Polish. Chattanooga State provides the assessment tools needed to evaluate an employer’s workforce. The results help to create programs that effectively train the workforce and maximize their efficiency.

Founded in 1902, as the Chattanooga Manufactures Association, TAM was the first local manufacturers association in the United States. TAM’s interest in education is principle-centered, since manufactures need a sufficient number of applicants and employees that are prepared for current and future job requirements.