Tennessee Reconnect Spotlight: Thomas Doolittle

February 21, 2022 | Betty A. Proctor | Press Release

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Tennessee Reconnect Spotlight will feature a first-person story each week...

College had always been a plan for me. As soon as I had graduated high school, my college path began. I spent my first semester at Tennessee Technological University. However, I came to an unfortunate realization. The harsh truth was, I didn’t have the same drive I had through the rest of my schooling. My biggest motivator through high school was family, and being away from home, on campus, I just didn’t have the self-motivation needed to succeed. After some personal issues arose, I decided the stress was too much, so I transferred to Chattanooga State.

Chattanooga State was a fantastic choice. With online courses, flexible class scheduling, and a campus in my hometown, I had all the resources at my disposal. Except one: that same motivation I lacked at my first school still eluded me. I trudged through courses, changed majors multiple times until sticking with business, and passed a class here and failed a class there. I just couldn’t seem to find my stride.

I took a break from school to focus on other aspects of my life. I married, changed jobs from retail to manufacturing, and became a first-time dad. A lot happened, and after a couple of years out of school, I decided to take steps toward my degree again. I had worked on the aspects of my personality that held me back and, this time, I found that stride that had been out of reach the first time around. The only obstacle in my way now was finances. Due to the debacle that was my first try, I had lost eligibility for financial aid.

TN Reconnect gave me my opportunity to get back into classes. Even after losing financial aid eligibility, this helped to make my schooling affordable again. I had the strength and passion to juggle all that I had on my plate now. Helping to raise a son, working long hours, working toward finding a new home, and now, progress toward a degree still didn’t feel as heavy as it had the first time around. The human spirit is strong, and just because you don’t reach the end on your first try doesn’t mean it is out of reach. Step back, reevaluate, and find your stride again; you get to choose the right time to achieve your goals.