TCAT Shines at SkillsUSA

May 24, 2016 | | Press Release

tcat skills usa group

Chattanooga, TN (May 24, 2016) --- Students in the Tennessee College of Applied Technology (TCAT) division at Chattanooga State Community College recently competed against hundreds of other Tennessee TCAT students during the annual Tennessee Postsecondary SkillsUSA competition held in Chattanooga.

During the two-days of competition, 49 TCAT Chattanooga students competed in 35 contests. For their efforts, the students earned 12 gold, 11 silver, and 2 bronze medals. Their advisor will accompany the gold medal winners as they travel to Louisville, KY for the SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference the third week in June. 

In addition to the individual medal winners, TCAT Chattanooga received the James D. King award for accumulating the highest number of points between the TCAT’s that have an enrollment greater than 500 students.

The following TCAT Chattanooga students placed in the gold, silver and bronze categories:


Connie Davis, Employment Application Process; Diane Jackson, advisor

Kendall Edwards & Ally Fien (model), Esthetics; Rhonda Castleberry, advisor

James Switter, Industrial Motor Controls; David Burgess, advisor

Shanna Stevens & Olesea Ceban (model); Job Skill Demonstration (open); Renee Richardson, advisor

Weston Jeno, Marine Service Technology; Jimmy Jones & Ed Grun, advisors

Alondra Gomez, Medical Assisting; Cindy Rutledge, advisor

Heather Russell & Shalise Spence (model); Elonia James, advisor

Austin Harmon, Power Equipment Technology; Jimmy Jones & Ed Grun, advisors

Molly Martin, Prepared Speech; Diane Jackson, advisor

Brittany Smith & Christopher Dean, Promotional Bulletin Board; Elonia James, advisor

Ashley Gibson, Chantal Simmons, Daniel Clements, Mike Hall, Rich Mahoney, Sara Wilson and Shakeya Jackson, Quiz Bowl; Jill Wentworth, advisor

James Nelson & Joshua Barnett, Robotics & Automation Technology; David Burgess, advisor



Adam Taggert & Doug Wilson, Advanced Manufacturing (3D Printing); Sam O’Rear, advisor

Chris Abernathy & Devorisia Underwood, Barbering; Rebecca Stewart, advisor

Tracy Bell, Customer Service; Diane Jackson, advisor

Celeste Sneed, Electronics Technology; Richard Claburn, advisor

Kyle Hunter, Internetworking; Jill Wentworth, advisor

Damian Biondi, Job Interview; Lisa Jackson, advisor

Samantha Bishop & Bethany Patterson, Job Skill Demonstration “A”; Rhonda Castleberry, advisor

Samantha Barnette, Medical Math; Kristi Caves, advisor

Jared Steiman, Motorcycle Service Technology; Jimmy Jones & Ed Grun, advisors

Quotessa Greer, Nurse Assisting; Kristi Caves, advisor

Cassidy Bell, Pin Design; Michael Mercer, advisor



Michaela Tillman, Extemporaneous Speaking; Renee Richardson, advisor

Kyle Bates, Technical Computer Applications; Michael Mercer, advisor


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