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Faith & Doubt Film Screening February 17-18

February 4, 2016 | | Press Release

david wollert presents faith and doubt film screening

Chattanooga, TN (February 4, 2016) --- “Faith & Doubt: Science and Religion in the Search for Truth,” a documentary film by David Wollert, an associate professor of biology, will be presented for viewing in the Humanities Theatre on Wednesday, February 17 at 7:00 p.m. and again on Thursday, February 18 at 11:00 a.m. The film is free and open to the public.

The film has been well received by both academics and film critics, having won the President's Award at the North Carolina Film Awards. It also was screened at the Louisville International Festival of Film.

“This intellectually lively production takes into account aspects of religious and scientific understanding that most comparable attempts have ignored but which are absolutely indispensable to making an informed decision on the most important issue of our time,” states Dr. John F. Haught of Georgetown University, author of Science and Faith: A New Introduction.

In his documentary film, Wollert, a 2014-15 Dr. Gladys Crates Fellow for Mathematics and Sciences, took a very broad view of religion, focusing on common themes within eastern and western faith traditions while also examining science, particularly evolution and quantum physics, from a unique philosophical framework.

Dr. John D. Cressler, Schlumberger Chair Professor at Georgia Tech says Wollert’s film, “is an excellent introduction to this most important topic, and is wonderfully produced, visually appealing, lucid in its arguments, thoughtful and balanced in its treatment of the subject.”

For more information about the film and event, contact Wollert by email david.wollert@chattanoogastate.edu or call 423-697-3112.