English Composition Students Promote Social Activism with The National Homelessness Project

April 14, 2017 | | Press Release


2016 Faculty Fellows award recipient and Assistant Professor of English Dr. Jason Huddleston has started his project this semester. Students in Dr. Huddleston’s “Social Activism” English Composition 1010 focus on urgent social issues in the community with the primary goal of increasing awareness on the topic and finding solutions at a local, national, and global level. One of these social issues the students address is homelessness. In response to homelessness, students must complete a research project that identifies the demographics and causes of homelessness, as well as unsuccessful efforts and potential strategies to end this epidemic in America.

Students also will take part in a campus/public awareness activity, where they will set up makeshift “structures” (cardboard boxes, sheets, etc.) that a homeless person might use for a temporary home. Information will be posted around each structure about the local and national homeless epidemic. A PowerPoint presentation of related images and information from students’ research also was displayed in the library to raise awareness of homelessness as one of the completed components of the project.

Students and faculty are encouraged to visit these structures and learn more about how to get involved. The structures will be up outside major buildings on the main campus, starting on Tuesday, April 18 at 11 a.m.