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ChattState “Plays” Riverbend

June 18, 2014 | | Press Release

Riverbend Booth

Chattanooga, TN --- ChattState was back at Riverbend in 2014 “playing” to the crowds. Former students stopped by the tent to praise the college for their role in helping them succeed while potential students lined up to ask questions and to get information about available programs. The mother of ChattState’s very first Joe, David Miller, stopped by the tent and wrangled a telephone conversation with director of marketing and communications Patty Brown to praise Chattanooga State. Dr. Miller is a now doctor of veterinary medicine with an equine practice in Florida. More than two-dozen ChattState employees and recruiters volunteered during the festival. ChattState volunteer coordinator Dale Grisso estimated that more than 2,200 visitors stopped by to fill out contact cards during the 10-day event. One of the biggest draws appeared to be the new Tennessee Promise program recently signed into law by Governor Bill Haslam. Beginning with the class of 2015, all seniors who graduate high school with a 2.0 GPA (grade point average), or better, will be offered two years of FREE education at any community college in Tennessee. ChattState is well known for its giveaways and of course the biggest source of coolness during the festival: fans, which were in evidence throughout the festival and at the Bessie Smith Strut. More than 3,500 fans were dispensed keeping a good portion of the Riverbend attendees cool. ChattState is now accepting students for the fall 2014 semester. Summer orientation sessions for first-time students begin this month. To apply, visit the campus, set up an orientation date, or to request more information, see www.chattanoogastate.edu or call 423-697-4404.