Chattanooga State Sponsors Mayoral Forum on February 24

February 16, 2009 | | Press Release

Chattanooga State Technical Community College has invited three candidates, all of whom are seeking the office of Mayor of Chattanooga, to participate in a forum on Tuesday, February 24, at 10 a.m.  The event will be held in the Humanities Theatre on Chattanooga State’s main campus located at 4501 Amnicola Highway.  Participating candidates are Rob Healy, Ron Littlefield, and Thomas Smith, II.  The forum is open to the public free of charge.

The Communicator, Chattanooga State’s student newspaper, is sponsoring the mayoral debate.  As noted by newspaper's editor‐in‐chief, John Roark, college students often dismiss the significance of local elections.  “Voting in elections for local leaders is important, but few students realize the impact local officials can have on their community and, ultimately, their lives,” explains Roark.  “We hope the energy of the presidential election followed by an exciting inauguration will compel students to learn about these three mayoral candidates and persuade them to vote on March 3.”

Betty Proctor is the college advisor for The Communicator.  Hoping to emphasize the need to be active in local as well as national elections, Ms. Proctor encouraged the newspaper’s staff to coordinate a mayoral forum.  “The Communicator is a fundamental communications outlet at Chattanooga State,” notes Ms. Proctor.  “The newspaper does more that simply report on Chattanooga State news.  The Communicator is an important bridge between students and the broader Chattanooga community.  Hosting this mayoral forum highlights how The Communicator can expand its role as a communications resource at Chattanooga State.”

The format for the debate provides each candidate a three‐minute window through which each contender can share the essence of his platform.  Following the initial presentation, candidates will respond to live questions posed by the audience.  Members of the staff of The Communicator, along with WRCB's morning news anchor Jed Mescon, will moderate the discussion.

Published monthly, The Communicator serves as an educational laboratory and an extracurricular activity for Chattanooga State students.

For more information about the upcoming mayoral forum or about The Communicator, contact Betty Proctor by email at or by telephone at 423.697.2432.  The Communicator staff can be contacted by email at or by telephone at 423.697.2471.

For information about Chattanooga State and its educational programs, call the Chattanooga State information hotline at 423.697.4404 or toll free at 1.866.547.3733 or visit the college’s Web site at

Chattanooga State is a comprehensive, regionally accredited community college, operated under the policies and guidelines of the Tennessee Board of Regents College System.  Founded in 1965 and serving a six-county area in Southeast Tennessee, Chattanooga State offers a wide array of programs and services.