Chattanooga State Introduces 7-Week Courses for Spring Semester
January 8, 2021 | Betty A. Proctor | Press Release
Chattanooga State Community College will begin offering two 7-week terms during the spring 2021 semester that begins January 19. The 7-week format allows the student to take the same number of credit hours as they would normally take during a regular 15-week semester, only they are taking fewer at a time.
The 7-week format splits in half the traditional 15-week semester. Students can take 2-to-3 courses during the first 7-week term, and 2-to-3 courses during the second 7-week term, thereby completing four, five or six courses during spring semester.
This gives students the advantage to focus on 2-to-3 courses for only 7-weeks at a time. Following completion, the student is ready to move on to the next 2-to-3 entirely new courses.
“In higher education research, there are many studies citing the benefits to students enrolling in shorter term courses. The completion rates for these courses are much higher than traditional 15 week-long courses, where life issues surface and many students drop out. We are focused on student success at Chattanooga State Community College, so moving to a course delivery format, backed by higher education research, is a move that we can easily justify to support the success of our students,” states Dr. Beth Norton, vice president of Academic Affairs.
The first term begins January 19 and ends March 5 while the second term begins March 15 and ends May 6. The traditional 15-week semester begins January 19 and ends April 30. These three options allow students to choose courses that suit their life schedule.
For the spring 2021 semester most classes are offered virtually or online. Virtual classes provide instruction live through a virtual technology format on scheduled days and times. Online classes offer more flexibility and can be completed during a time of your choosing.
Eligible students using Tennessee Promise, Tennessee Reconnect, or Reconnect to the Workforce can choose any of these options to help make their classes tuition-free.
For more information about courses offered during the 7-week term, visit