Chattanooga State Finalist for Prestigious Bellwether Award

March 1, 2023 | Chris Lykins | Press Release

ChattState Bellwether Award Finalist in white letters on a blue background

Chattanooga State competed for the 2023 Bellwether Award at the 29th Annual Community College Futures Assembly held in San Antonio, Texas, on February 26 - 28. This nationally recognized award identifies and honors outstanding and innovative community college programs. 

"The significance of the Bellwether Award is that the winning programs are replicable, scalable, equity-focused, and demonstrate evidence-based success," said Rose Martinez, Ph.D., director of the Bellwether College Consortium. "With the complexity of issues facing our community colleges today, these finalists are extraordinary examples of colleges providing scalable solutions to tough challenges."

Chattanooga State was one of ten finalists for the Bellwether Award in the Instructional Programs and Services category, which recognizes programs and services that foster or support teaching and learning. This honor recognizes the success of Chattanooga State's "High School Highway to Advanced Manufacturing" programs, including Polytech Academy and Mechatronics Academy at Volkswagen, for early college pathways to earn an AAS degree and jumpstart a career.

The Bellwether College Consortium called for nominations in the summer of 2022. Finalists representing 14 states and 24 community colleges were selected to compete from a large pool of submissions. Event co-sponsors include the National Council of Instructional Administrators, the National Council for State Directors of Community Colleges, and the National Council for Continuing Education and Training. In addition, the Community College Futures Assembly convenes annually as an independent national forum for innovators to work as a think tank. It identifies successful responses to critical issues facing the future of community colleges and hosts its national award competition annually.