Chattanooga State Celebrates Adult Learning Success Outcomes

January 14, 2022 | Betty A. Proctor | Press Release

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With adult learning success as a major objective of the Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) 2015-2025 Master Plan, Chattanooga State celebrates outcomes on several fronts. During the 2021 year, the College received a perfect score on the Adult Learner Success Standard Comprehensive Report and experienced a 2.085% increase in Tennessee Reconnect enrollment. Based on the 2020-2021 Score Report, 29.9% of Chattanooga State students are adult students. In comparison to other community colleges in Tennessee, ChattState has the fourth highest percentage of adult students. More than 46% of Fall 2021 ChattState graduates were age 24 and older.

The Tennessee Reconnect grant initiative, which was introduced in 2018, has revolutionized adult education by removing financial roadblocks to eligible adults allowing them to enter or return to higher education to gain new skills, advance in the workplace and fulfil lifelong dreams of completing a degree or credential, tuition-free.

Students in the Reconnect program can take up to five years to complete their degree as long as they are continuously enrolled for at least six credit hours per semester. Adults often have additional responsibilities such as families and jobs that they must work around if they return to school and the Reconnect program flexibility allows them to do just that.

Chattanooga State’s Tennessee Reconnect program provides the support that adults often need when considering their future and are faced with a myriad of questions. This support system helps to break down any barriers students encounter. Marsha Barker, director of Adult Services, offers information sessions about Tennessee Reconnect every month.

Adults may register for a free session at or call (423) 697-4753 with any questions you have.

  • Wednesdays, Jan. 19, 26 @ 2:30 pm, Main Campus, IMC-124 Student Support Center
  • Thursdays, Jan. 20, 27 @ 5:30 pm via Webex
  • Fridays, Jan. 21, 28 @ 10 am via Webex
  • Saturday, Jan. 22 @ 10 am via Webex
  • Mondays, Jan. 24, 31 @ 5:30 pm via Webex