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Chattanooga State Announces Dean’s List

January 11, 2017 | | Press Release


Chattanooga State is proud to announce that the following students within its service area have attained Dean’s List status for the 2016 fall semester. Eligibility requirements to make the Dean’s List includes students who have completed 12 or more hours of college-level work with a grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 or higher for that semester.

Bledsoe County, TN: Logan Kain Bayless, Loren Kassidy Bayless, Savannah Noelle Ford, Jared Anthony Gardenhire, David Joseph Gervolino, Bonnie Lee Hayne, Beverly Jean Hilliard, Samuel J. Hoffman, Cortney G. Lewis, Taylor Jade Marsh, Leigha Cheyenne McPherson, John M. Nale, Addison Lee Smith, Mackenzie Lee Smith.

Grundy County, TN: Brandon Bryant, Audrey LaShea Hill, Jacob Tyler Layne, Lowery Houston Mainord, Baylee DeShae Meeks, Emily Taylor Meeks, Felicia D. Meeks, Jeremy Logan Meeks, Mary Virginia Caitlin Rogers, Summer Brooke Shipley, Samantha Rose Soto, Sidney Tate.

Hamilton County, TN: Letitia Denice Abernathy, Alyssa Marie Ables, Justin Sam Abraham, Emily Louise Adams, Sierra Renee Adams, Kayla Chase Adkins, Trey Kristian Adolphi, Kristiana Mikayla Adrian, Neil Megsham Alay, Emma Elizabeth Allyn, Katelyn Anastas, Beau Anderson, Charles Edward Anderson, Dakota S. Anderson, Rachel Gail Anderson, Frederick L. Arnold, Jordan Michael Artime, Jalyn Tuleah Ashley, Cheyenne Parrish Aune, Jaylen D. Avrilien, Patricia Nicole Baggett, Morgan Morris Bailey, Jana Leane Baker, Sarah M. Ballard, Justin Phillip Ballew, Anna Maclane Banther, Jerod J. Barbee, Molly Katherine Barley, Jacob Pierce Bartlett, Gabrielle Elizabeth Barton, Benjamin Joseph Bates, Rachel Elizabeth Batten, Kee Marcello Baxa, Joy C. Baxendell, Andrew Shelton Baxley, Paige Benton, Laurie Evelyn Betts, Josh Adam Bible, Sarah J. Bible, Kaylee Blaine Blackwell, Alex Darwin Blandon, Samuel Lee Blevins, Alexander Geran Boardman, Kevin Bruce Boardman, Christina Boboljov, Kaela Brianna Boggs, Jonathon Allen Bolden, McKenzie Lashee' Bolton, Jessica Kaitlyn Bonner, Lindsey Nicole Bonner, Genevieve Kathryn Bowman, John Lee Brazier, Adam David Brewer, Rachel Lee Brosius, Austin Michael Brown, Christopher Jermaine Brown, Jessica Nicole Brown, Mason Carter Brown, Timothy Mitchell Brown, Ianthe Michelle Bryant, Sarah Beth Bryant, Jenny Lynn Buller, Tonya Lee Burchard, LeAnn Marie Burchfield, Kyler Brandon Burke, Lance Caleb Burton, Andrew John Byrd, Bailee Skye Caho, Eugenia Louise Cairns-McFeeters, Henry Patterson Caldwell, Caleb James Callaham, Bria Quintara Campbell, Patrick W. Campbell, Tonya Lynn Campbell, Samantha Jo Campbell-Filter, Joseph O. Cardillo, Tracy Lebron Careathers, Michael Gary David Carnes, Aleksei Steven Carpenter, Kelsey Marie Carr, William T. Carson, Rachel Elizabeth Casey, Matthew Ryan Cate, Preston Daniel Cate, Ashley West Chambers, Savannah Catherine Champion, Kristy B. Chang, Joseph Nathan Cheek, Lindsey Marie Chesmar, Sofya Chikivchuk, Robert P. Choyce, Doyil Chung, Parris Jack Clarke, Alexander T. Clay, Summer Ann Clemons, Ashlee Faith Cleveland, Alexander Paul Clifford, Courtney Taylor Clingan, Peyton L. Colston, Logan Scott Conley, Christopher M. Cooper Monica Cordero, Hayley Ann Correll, Steven M. Costello, Haley Marie Couch, Hayden A. Council, Connor Hubert Covington, Austin Tyler Cowden, DaMika Cox, Maxwell Lee Crabtree, Urline Kaye Crabtree, Lilly Lee Crane, Aaron Michael Croft, Tiffany N. Cross, Shannon C. Crouch, Isabella N. Cruz, Sydney Alexa Cruz, James Redmon Cummins, Lauren Elizabeth Curtis, Alec Shant Daghlian, Jefferson Lee Davis, Nicole Annette Dayton, Steven De Vries, Kayla Alexis Deck, Alexandra Dehart, Mike Paul Delisle, Jonathan Michael Dennis, Victoria Michelle Diaz, Ashley Jordan Diehl, Averee D. Dilday, Lindsay Nicole Dill, Luccas Castelo Branco Docarmo, Johanna Ruth Dorton, Haley Arnisa Downen, Aaryn E. Drapiza, Emily Anne Drexler, Marko Dudas, Valerie Leaneve Duke, Sanel Durakovic, Sarah Elizabeth Durham, Nathan Joseph Dyar, Joseph Aaron Lee Dycus, Hannah Logan Earle, Cameron Scot Eaves, Mary Ann Ebiefung, Caleigh Elizabeth Edler, Amber Nichelle Elkins, Devon Taylor Elsea, Jesie Alexandria England, Rachel Alexandra Fagan, Justin Matthew Farist, Benjamin Yael Feingold, Ashlyn Ferguson, LaBreshia Nicole Fitch, Cody J. Flores, Mary E. Flynn, Tameka Shanette Ford, Jackelyn Denise Forsythe Emily Victoria Foutz, Kaitlyn Michelle Fox, Brandon Loyal Fraley, Gina Louise Franks, Johanna Glory Fredrickson, Ashley Michelle Freeman, Karigan Ann Fulghum, Charles Ryan Fuller, Ashley Rebecca Fusco, Victoria Ann Fyfe, Mary Elizabeth Gaither, Aaron Yuiry Galas, Dante Mauricio Galindo Cruz, Jessica Ellen Gann, Cameron Kinsey Gardner, Vanessa Vaughn Garth, Oscar Gaytan Cruz, Sandra N. Gifford, Jasmine Mechelle Gilbert, Katrina Spring Gilbert, Taylor Jean Giles, Grace Misako Gill, Cassandra Gillmore, Amber Nicole Gipson, Gwendylen Gezille Goff, Rachel Leann Goldsmith, Lizeth A. Gonzalez Perez, Bailey Zane Gordon, Nathan Stuart Goza, Taylor Blake Grant, Jason Michael Gray, Levi Benjamin Gray, Graham Michael Griffin, Noah Stephen Jackson Grigsby, Hannah Elizabeth Grubb, Hunter Christian Gruter, Itzel Guzman Hernandez, Caylee Madison Hackney, Patricia Leigh Haines, Donna Shawntrese Hammond, Anemone Esther Hansen, Hannah Caroline Harris, Andrew Michael Hartley Taylor M. Hartman, Dylan Thomas Hayden, Chloe May Headrick, Jason Adam Headrick, James N. Helferich, Sarah Dalia Helsley, Tabitha Faith Henderson, Karrigan Lindsey Heningburg, Holly E. Hess, Logan Max Higdon, Jennifer Leigh Higgins, Kailin Makenzie Higgins, Byron Avery Hill, Christopher James Hill, Mackenzie Anne Hill, Tiarra Michelle Hill, Troy Daniel Hinkle, Cheyenne P. Hixson, Logan Scott Hixson, Taylor Presley Hoge, Lea Marie Holcomb, Mallory Alisa Holland, Dustin Lee Holmes, Earl Drayton Holmes, Abigail Susanne Honeycutt, Marissa A. Honnies, John Marshall Hopper, Caien Shepherd Huddleston, Priscilla L. Huffman, Hans C. Humberger, Devin Gage Humble, Nathan Luke Humphrey, Matthew E. Humphreys, Blake Harrison Hurst, Samuel D. Huston, Michael Thomas Hutton, Stephen Aaron Hyberger, Mauricio A. Iraheta, Jazmine Eva Marie Isaac, Giselle Guadalupe Jacinto, Leah Gabrielle Jackson, Matthew Lawrence Jackson, Sylvia Doraine James, Jessica Anne Jancewicz, Natoria Renee Jeffries, Mary Casey Jennings, Natalie L. Jennings, Ariel Faith Johnson, Glenda Faye Johnson, Jessica Lynn Johnson, Sparkle Denise Johnson, Wendy Faye Johnson, Hannah Leigh Jones, Kellie Marie Jones, Seth Wallace Jones, Rachel Nicole Jordan, Justin Mathew Joseph, Michelle Chrstine Katz, Allison Elizabeth Keenan, Brianna Keith, Callie Blair Kell, Chandler Morgan Kennedy, Katherine Brook Kessler, Crystal King, Tyler Thomas Kirby, Christina Brianne Kirk, Kenady Alexis Kitchen, Aaron Lee Knight, Caleb Kvale, Stephanie Donaree Lackey, Robert Carl Ladd, Thomas William Landtroop, Olivia Nicole Lane, Morgan Leigh Lasley, Clayton Riley Latham, Virginia Katherine Layman, Austin Shane Ledford, Annika Grace Lee, Christopher Leonardo Lee, Hunter A. Lee, Lindsay Debbie Lee, Miranda Kay Lee, Sarah Grace Leeth, Brittani Lynn Leffew, Brie Autumn Levy, Miranda L. Lewis, Lauren Leann Light, Haylie Anne Ligon, Jacob Tobiah Lindstrom, Jonathan Todd Lindstrom, Daryll Andrew Lippard, Brianna Leigh Litchfield, Brandy A. Little, Raissa Lladoc, Robert George Locke, Brian Andrew Long, Alfonso Lopez, Madison Rebekah Lowe, Serena Danielle Lowry, Jessica Elizabeth Lyons, Clint Mabry, Trent Louis Madget,t Lacey Amber Mahaffey, Macey Nichole Mahaffey, Sakib Mahbubullah, Taylor Nicole Mahoney, Isabelle Rose Malone, Eric Deforrest Mansfield, Leanna D. Maraman, Kaytee Marlow, Heather Grace Marsh, Bailey N. Martin, Samuel Owen Matlock, Ivy Marie McDonald, Garrett Thomas McGhee, Roy Kevyn McIntosh, Amanda Capri McNair, Hayley Nichole McNeal, Elizabeth Nicole Meade, Sarah Katherine Meadows, David B. Mease, Faith Karita Medonis, Ashlee Grace Mellencamp, Mark Merritt, Andrew Franklin Miller, Cora Elizabeth Miller, Cynthia Lake Miller, Damon Robert Miller, Gerald Elwin Miller, Shashana Miller, Katie Renee Milliken, Sara Jacqueline Million, Chloe Ashton Mitchell, Logan Wade Mitchell, Maria Lourdes Guevara Monteros, Nicole Danielle Montgomery, Precious Faythe Montgomery, Holly Alysia Moore, Hayley Middle Moreno, Briana Elizabeth Morgan, Robert Clinton Morris, Toya Nechelle Morris, Jennifer L. Morrissey, Marissa Lynn Moschkau, Mitchell John Mueller, Melanie R. Murphy, Timothy Harold Murphy, Nathan A. Murrell, Ashley Lynn Neal, Briauna Joy Neal, Allison Paige Nedeau, Jamison Blake Newell, Richard Nichols, Nayeli Pinto Nix, Patrick Noa, Amanda Margaret Nobles, Brittany Jane Norris, Joshua O'Dell, Narcisa Osmancevic, Joel Edward Overton, Zachary Scott Owens, Debbie Kay Parker, Kaela Symone Patrick, Hannah G. Patterson, Kayla Marie Pearson, Stephen Paul Pearson, Michelle M. Phillips, Hannah Fay Plantholt, Danielle Kristine Porter, Devyn S. Powers, Elijah David Privett, Hannah Nichole Purcell, Susan Gail Kelly Pyle, Quinton Moon Quan, Anthony Philip Raffa, Melaney Ashley Raley, Tina Marie Rambo, Anna Marie Rapp, Daniela Ray, Darrell Ray, Jenna Leigh Reschenthaler, Scott Jeffrey Reynolds, Kevin Thomas Rhodes, John B. Ricks, Keith Charles Riddle, Tara Riedel, Miranda Lashae Roberson, Jared Andrew Roberts, Jessica Angel Roddy, Derald Timothy Rogers, Elijah Jackson Rogers, Natalie Brooke Rogers, Rachael Maeson Roger,s Hunter Scott Romans, James Curtis Rowell, Merlyn Roy, Haley G. Rucker, Charles Marion Rudd, Sarah Elizabeth Ruiz, Jonathan Zong Rush, Robert Andrew Sabin, Carolina D. Salazar, Ashwyn Mathew Sam, Caleb Mark Sanders, Jonathan David Sanders, Arielle Scalioni, DeAnna Brooke Scarpelli, Brittany Nicole Schult, Ariel F. Scott, Edgar J. Scott, Samantha Dalynn Scott, Jared Joseph Seibel, Amber Darlene Sharp, Brittany Shavers, Amanda N. Shaw, Alina Sheikh, Harley Walker Shelton, Geddes G. Sherrell, Mckayla Marie Sherrill, Lowell Isaac Shimel, Sarah Elizabeth Shinholser, Gabriel Fernando Shipley, Alexis Sha Shrum, Gary Wayne Simmons, Jada A. Sims, Sarah Aubrey Sisemore, Chirayuth Sit, Paul Anthony Skaggs, Nakia D. Skelton, Elisabeth Joann Smith, Ian Anthony Smith, Julia Elise Smith, Kayla L. Smith, Lauren Brooke Smith, Leatryicia Markquie Smith, Madison Paige Smith, Matthew John Smith, Dustin Robert Snell, Brittany Ann Snoke, Matthew Chase Sowder, Sarah Elaina Spall, Summer Leigh Spurgeon, Savannah Mae Spurlock, Jason Anders Stehney, Cherie Anne Stevenson, Carina Jordan Stout, Ashlyn Jean Stover, Shaina Ilyssa Suhrbier, Sarah Marie Swainson, Ashley A. Swanson, Rachel E. Taylor, Amanda Leigh Thomas, Emily Onundita Thomas, Amy Tillman, Itzel Margot Toro, Spencer Travis, Lucas Adam Triplett, Julia Elisabeth Tripp, Kathryn Anne Trumbo, Eric Vaughn Tuck, Gloria Hope Tucker, Kara Tucker, Kristian Lee Turner, Sarah DeMoss, Tuttle Kelsey Lynette Twombly, Joshua Hilchan Tyler, Haleigh R. Van Allen, Sheri Lynne Van Billiard, Walpert Mara Jo Vander, Wilt Jomy Varghese, Micah Lee Varner, Angela Vaughn, Bobby Jesus Vazques, Sarah Johannah Voigt, Alex Michael Votava, Kaylee Jade Voyles, Briana Ashley Walker, Chase Remington Walker, Logan Marie Walker, Trista Rae Walker, Sarah Eileen Wall, Hurley Aaron Wallace, Austin Lee Walls, Zion Hope Wandell, Kelsey Ann Ward, Logan Eric Watkins, Elijah L. Watson, Jonathan James Webb, Samantha Elizabeth Wells, Hailey Aletha Wheeler, Alexis Morgan Whitener, Kassedy Rhea Whitener, Jennifer Michelle Whitmire-Reno, Jessica Courtney Wicker, Austin H. Wilkerson, Charles Edward Williams, Misty Lynn Williams, Katie Elizabeth Willie, Brandon Cole Willingham, Stephanie Ellen Willoughby, Anna Nicole Wilson, Christopher Steven Wilson, Jacob Michael Wilson, Jorden Delaney Wilson, Zoey M. Wilson Andrew Steven Winget, Derek M. Wolf, Devin Isaac Wolfe, Logan Isaac Wolfe, Breniaha Dushon Womble, Hayley Reece Wyatt, Evelin Carina Xiloj, Brittany Kyler Young, Maci A. Zeh.

Marion County, TN: Jamie Brooke Adams, Joseph Cooper Argo, Regina Lynn Ashworth, Cameron Cecilia Azar, Lauren Taylor Belk, Jake Patrick Bennett, Jefferson Martin Bennett, Zachery Auston Blair, Bailey Robin Bontekoe, Ashley Arlene Bradford, Katelyn Elizabeth Branham, Jessica Dawn Burdette, James Scott Campbell, Brittney Nicole Carlton, Kimberly Dinette Collins, Summer Nicole Cox, Alyson Nicole Crowley, Brooke Ashley Dagnan, Shania Hope Davis, Brianna Farnsworth, Brooke Farnsworth, Diana Michelle Grooms, Alexander Riley Hale, Madison Caroline Henderson, Brittney Elizabeth Holland, Brandon Dakotah Hood, Emily Lauren Hooper, Jillian Faith Huffstuddler, Dylan Cruise Jackson, Hunter Price Kelley, Jasmin Olivia Kilgore, Daniel C. Lofty, Victoria Lauren Long, Mark Alan Lynch, Ashley Nicole Moore, Owen Lane Morrison, Tyler Chance Perkins, Matthew Wallace Pickering, Kaitlyn N. Rains, Mikayla Alexis Ramsey, Kathryn Mikaila Rummage, Catherine Louise Sherman, Emily Hazel Simmons, Daniel Reed Simpson, Heather Lyn Smith, Emily Anne Steele, Caleb Glenn Steinmetz, Ryleigh Paige Stewart, Victoria Joy Thomas, Raven Camber Trent, Fatima Ayaon Turner, Jesse Hunter Wooden, Kimberly Wooden.

Rhea County, TN: Amandarae Anderson, Emily Paige Beaty, Amber Lynn Boyd, Branton Eric Brooks, Courtney Michelle Cecil, Austin H. Clark, Hunter L. Cox, Nalisha Gail Cummings, Taya Marie Deblonk, Kristen Diane Deichert, Jessica M. Goins Kayla Victoria Green, Shaleigh Marie Harris, Benjamin Henderson, Logan Alexander Hinds, Cheyenne Lasha Holland, Jesse D. Hooker, Christopher B. Jones, Felix Erik Lopez Ramirez, Caleb Ryan Massengill, Joshua Lee McCullough, Kelsey Paige McMillon, Makayla Breanne Moore, Makaila Raven Newberry, Reily A. Pearce, Kaylee Sierra Price, Kelsey Robinson, Robert Allan Rogers, Austin Charles Self, Kelsey Nicole Sherrill, Emilee Grace Simmons, Keisha Marie Stephens, Teri Makay Templin, Austin James Travis, Brittany Ann Vaughn, Ariel Renee Warner, Tia Chantel Weast, Marissa Wright, Mickael Casey Young.

Sequatchie County, TN: Hailey Nicole Andregg, Aundrea Brooke Blevins, Lindsay Allison Carr, Kara Madison Cox, Anita Marie Cribbs, Grant Clinton Davenport, Megan Breann Foust, Cassidy Sue Freeman, Alexandria Lauren Harris, Joshua Don Harris, Rebecca Darrah Harris, Laura Michaela Hicks, Charles Riley Housley, Jessica Paige Hudson, Melissa D. Jelderks, Danelle Lynette Johannes, Jannis Danielle Kilgore, Elizabeth Rose Lockhart, Macy Addison McCuiston, Jacob Brian Morgan, Jay N. Patel, Clinton Aaron Pierce, Heather Mae Pleasanton, Montana Skyler Ritchie, Kiana M. Ryan, Dylan Joseph Sims, Randie Lynn Stocker, Cecilia Faith Sullivan, Brad Wylie Thompson, Carly R. Woods.

Catoosa County, GA: Patric Bates, Tara Dawn Benafe,l Aaron Forest Bilbrey, Matthew Alexander Bowen, Melissa Margaret Burson, Savannah Jayde Caldwell, Monica Camille Calsetta, Jacob Drew Chang, Sarah Corley, Katherine Grace Crump, Landon Edwards, Sandy Gates, Katelyne Nicole Hale, Johnathon Matthew Jacobs, Helena K. Jakupovic Ashley Elizabeth Jenkins, Kia Dora Jordan, Emily Abigail Mayes, Jonathan Ossmann, John Wayne Rister, Kristin Roueche, Lyubov O. Sidlinskiy, Amanda Brooke Sims, Lisa B. Smith, Gregory O'shea Tolliver, Caysee Aslyn Willingham, Mekayla Renee York, Amala Yunyong.

Dade County, GA: Molly Burick, Rebecca Lauren Cloud, Melanie Ann Doyle, Katherine Elaine Eudy, Gary Ray Huie, Isabel Ann Huisman, Jennifer Leigh Robson, Abigail Leigh Smith.

Walker County, GA: Jacob Tyler Bennett, Devin Darlene Brown, Austin C. Davidson, Hailey C. Davis, Nicolas Daniel Evans, Dalton Evan Gilreath, Scarlett Amber Gordy, Anthony James Hawkins, Brittany T. Jackson, Bryce Omar Linder, Nathanuel Kaine Oxford, Lydia C. Reinink, Whittni Rebecca Reisch, Zachary Wayne Robertson, Matthew Patrick Steadman, Jordan Taylor Doyal Swafford, Peter Harrison Theune, Morgan Elizabeth Thomas, Kelsey Nicole West.

Congratulations to these students on their academic accomplishments! Register now for classes. For more information call Chattanooga State at 423-697-4404 or logon www.chattanoogastate.edu.