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Chattanooga State and UTC Sign Honors Articulation Agreement

July 25, 2016 | | Press Release

global scholars

Chattanooga, TN (July 25, 2016) --- Representatives from Chattanooga State and UTC met on Monday afternoon to sign an articulation agreement allowing Chattanooga State’s Global Scholars Program students to transfer seamlessly into UTC’s Honors College in their Innovations in Honors (IIH) program.

Dr. Flora Tydings, Chattanooga State President and Dr. Steve Angle, UTC Chancellor, signed this important agreement that is uniquely designed to ensure that high-performing students can take advantage of Chattanooga State’s low tuition and generous grant and scholarship opportunities, including TN Promise, and continue their path to academic excellence upon transfer to UTC. “Now students can begin their education at ChattState and obtain a bachelor’s degree with honors from UTC,” shares Amanda Bennett, Global Scholars Director.

Students graduating from Chattanooga State with the Global Scholars distinction will possess 15 hours of honors credits prior to transfer. Both programs offers distinctive benefits to students such as small class size, priority registration, undergraduate research, personalized advising, study abroad, scholarship opportunities and more. “In addition, out-of-state students can receive in-state tuition making these prestigious educational opportunities affordable to students throughout the region and beyond,” adds Bennett.

Dr. Linda Frost, Dean of Honors College at UTC says, “We already have a great partnership with Chattanooga State’s Global Scholars Program and we are thrilled to concretize this partnership with the signing of this agreement. GSP students are a very good fit for UTC’s IIH Program.”

For more information about the Global Scholars Program, visit www.chattanoogastate.edu/global-scholars or call Amanda Bennett, Director, at 423-697-2577.