ChattState Alumni Engagement Survey Underway

August 22, 2018 | Julie Davis | College Advancement

TCAT-Chattanooga Class of 2018 class photo with Pres. Ashford taking selfie

If you have children at home, or even in your family you spend time with, you understand the importance of the word “Why.” It is one of the first words or concepts a toddler learns to use consistently. Author Simon Sinek penned an entire book based on the concept of why entitled: Start with Why, How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action. In his book, he encourages individuals, organizations, and corporations to not only understand why they do what they do, but then to capitalize on that understanding.

The Chattanooga State Community College Alumni Association has been working diligently the past two years to define our why and learn how to not only communicate that to you, or fellow alumni, but to also put it into action for growth. We are making great strides, and we are at point in the process where we really need your help. How can we not only communicate our purpose to you, but also help you get plugged in and engaged with our efforts?

With that in mind, we created an Alumni Engagement Survey that was sent by ChattState’s Institutional Research email ([email protected]) on August 15th to alumni who signed up for our email list. If you are not already on our alumni email list, I invite you to please sign up here for future messages. If you did receive the survey, I encourage you to please participate.

We look forward to hearing from our alumni and learning how we may connect with alumni better.

Julie Davis
President, Chattanooga State Alumni Association