Chattanooga State Nursing Program Consistently High Quality
March 23, 2018 | Nancy Patterson | College Advancement

Chattanooga State’s Nursing program continues to exceed the Tennessee Board of Nursing benchmark. In fact, our May 2017 cohort of 107 RN graduates had a 100% licensure pass rate. Chattanooga State is unique in that we are the only institution in the state of Tennessee with such a large graduating class in one cohort to achieve 100% on their first attempt. The national average for passing the nursing licensure exam for 2017 is 87.11%, and the state average is 90.23%.
Equally as compelling, the ten-year average of the RN licensure pass rate at Chattanooga State is 96.57%. This success record demonstrates a consistently high quality nursing program offered at Chattanooga State.
As of Fall 2017, we had 336 students enrolled in our Nursing program who are pursuing an Associate of Applied Science degree towards becoming a Registered Nurse (RN).
Chattanooga State’s Nursing program will celebrate 35 years of excellence this Fall.
Our featured photo includes two Chattanooga State RN graduates from the May 2017 class.
Chattanooga State nursing students all pass national licensure exam