50 Faces of Gratitude: Linda Bullard

March 2, 2016 | Heidi Cawood | College Advancement

Pictured, Linda Murray Bullard –alum, writer, speaker, entrepreneur--holding her book The Well Ran Dry

by Linda Murray Bullard –alum, writer, speaker, entrepreneur

I am grateful to Chattanooga State because it is the place where I started my road to success. I waited until after my sons were older to finish my Associate’s degree. Chattanooga State allowed me to do it when I was ready. I turned 50 years old the same year I graduated.

My experience at Chatt State motivated me to help others find their own great experiences in college. If I can do it later in life, anyone can do it sooner than I did. Now, I am going on assignments across the country encouraging other students to get the most out of their education and to find their own paths through a college education. I even wrote a book entitled “The Well Ran Dry: Memoirs of a Motherless Child,” which was accepted by the U. S. Library of Congress and is in the Chatt State bookstore. They are still supporting my success. I have been quoted in several media outlets as a subject matter expert on small business and entrepreneurship. I am an entrepreneur who is currently facilitating a class for BrightBridge Women’s Business Center. My love for business was enhanced when I attended Chattanooga State! Thank you, Chatt State!