Mammography Additional Information

General Information

On-line Mammography Technical Certificate Program offered by Chattanooga State Community College (ChSCC).  The one semester course (plus clinical rotation) is offered once a year in the fall semester with a limited number of openings.  Since selection into the program is on a first-applied most qualified basis, applicants should submit all required information immediately.  Qualified applications received after the class is full will be accepted for the following class and placed on a reserve list to fill the space of any withdrawals.

In addition to completing the application process for admission to Chattanooga State, students seeking admission to the Mammography Program must also submit a Mammography Application Form to the Nursing & Allied Health Division. Applicants must be graduates of a CAHEA/JRCERT accredited.

Questions:  What/Who/When/Where


  • 3 course set with the working technologist in mind
  • 16 semester credit hours – 256 CEU’s for purpose of ARRT continuing education
  • exceeds requirements for “formal education” prior to independent mammography performance (FDA and ARRT requirements)


  • Registered Mammographers ARRT(R)(M)
    • advanced standing if presently perform independent mammography
    • expand knowledge base – stay current
    • satisfy CEU requirements for ARRT for 2 year period
    • satisfy mammography education/experience requirements
  • Registered Technologists ARRT(R)
    • expand into new modality
    • experience expansion of technologist’s role caused by legislation; stay current in one area of profession
    • satisfy ARRT CEU requirements for 2 year period
  • Registry (ARRT) eligible new graduates
    • prepare for mammography registry
    • prepare for multi-competency for greater job flexibility


  • at your convenience anytime day or night
  • weekly assignments due with late penalty
  • major tests and examinations proctored by your master instructor who supplies the necessary password


  • MMGY 2410 & MMGY 2420 – On-Line
  • MMGY 2830 – affiliate with a mammography center approved by the FDA within your geographical location and identify a registered and qualified mammographer employed by that center to act as your clinical instructor and online proctor of tests.

Textbook Information    

  1. Mammographic Imaging A Practical Guide, 3rd edition, Valerie F. Andolina, Shelly     Lille’, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, ISBN/ISSN: 9781605470313, latest edition    
  2. Mammography & Breast Imaging Prep, 1st edition, Olive Peart, ISBN – 10-0071749322, ISBN-13: 9780071749329: Publisher: McGraw-Hill Medical; 1st edition    
  3. Lange Q&A: Mammography Examination, 2nd edition, Olive Peart,  ISBN-13: 9780071548359 Publisher: McGraw-Hill Companies
  4. Merrill’s Atlas of Radiographic Positions and Radiologic Procedures, 12th edition Volume 2, Ballinger PA, Frank E., St. Louis, Mo: Mosby-Year Book Inc.: 2012, ISBN 0323073344                             

Textbooks may be purchased at the ChSCC bookstore by visiting .

For those working at a mammography center, several of these texts may be available at the center for your use during the class sessions.

Computer Requirements

Hardware Technical Specifications:

PC Users

  • A minimum computer system that will help you access all the tools in the courses is a Pentium 166 or better
  • 32 Megabytes of RAM or better
  • A CD-ROM
  • Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, Window 7
  • Communications software (this lets your computer talk to the modem)
  • A modem (56k or better will give you best performance)
  • And a dependable internet service provider (ISP).  Any provider will do as long as you get an e-mail account, have access to the World Wide Web, and don’t have problems connecting.

MAC Users

  • Minimum system requirements for Mac users are a 604 PowerPC processor preferably a G3 (iMac are included) or G4 processor computer running Mac OS
  • Along with internet browsers Firefox 7.0 (recommended) or 6.0, 5.0. Also, Safari 5.1, 5.0 and 4.0
  • Your Macintosh should have a minimum of 64 MB RAM, preferably 128 with at least 25 assigned to your browser.  If you need assistance in adjusting memory please refer to your Apple Help file searching under the header Memory – Adjusting your memory usage.  It is advised that you NOT have multiple applications open while working in your browser within the On-line Mammography Program.  This requires more RAM and will cause the browser to run very slowly.
  • You also need communications software (this lets your computer talk to the modem)
  • A modem (56K or better will give you best performance); and a dependable internet service provider (ISP).  Any provider will do as long as you get an e-mail account, have access to the World Wide Web, and don’t have problems connecting or maintaining a connection.

Remember! These specifications are minimal, and you’ll get by with them, but more sophisticated systems are better.

Browsers: Your browser is the tool that “reads” web pages so that you can understand them.  For most 0n-line courses, you will need to use Firefox or Google Chrome (Firefox 7.0 recommended).
Make certain that, whichever browser you choose, it is Java and JavaScript enabled. This usually requires checking a box or choosing this capacity in an options box under the tools or properties menu.