Kimball Site - College Credit Courses

All TTP programs can be completed at our Kimball site, and courses required for any of the TTPs that are not offered on-ground can still be taken online to complete the graduation requirements.

  • CSKM 1000 - College Success
  • COMM 2025 - Intro to Comm.
  • CITC 1301 - Intro to Programming and Logic
  • READ 0810 - Read Learning Support
  • ENGL 0810 - English Learning Support
  • ENGL 1010 - Composition 1
  • ENGL 1020 - Composition 2
  • ENGL 2410 - Early European Literature
  • ENGL 2420 - Modern European Literature
  • HIST 2010 - Early US History
  • HIST 2020 - Mod US History
  • HIST 2310 - Early World History
  • HIST 2320 - Mod World History
  • HUM 1010 - Early Humanities
  • HUM 1020 - Modern Humanities
  • MATH 0030 - College Math Learning Support
  • MATH 1030 - Intro to College Math
  • MATH 0530 - Stats. Learning Support
  • MATH 1530 - Intro. to Statistics
  • MATH 1710 - Precalculus Algebra
  • MUS 1030 - Intro to Music
  • PSYC 1030 - Intro to Psychology
  • PSYC 2130 - Lifespan Development
  • SPAN 1010 - Elementary Spanish 1
  • CHEM 1010 - Chem 1 & Lab
  • ESMB 1101 - EMT Medical Skills Lab
  • ESMB 1102 - EMT Trauma and Medical Skills
  • ESMB 1111 - EMT Clinical
  • ESMB 1112 - EMT Field Internship
  • ESMB 1601 - EMT Med Emer and EMS Oper.
  • ESMB 1602 - EMT Trauma and Medical Emerge
  • BIOL 2010 - Human A&P 1 & Lab
  • ET 112 - Mathematics for Engineering
  • BIOL 2020 - Human A&P 2 & Lab
  • NSRG 1710 - Fundamentals of Nursing
  • NRSG 1720 - Medical Surgical Nursing 1
  • NSRG 2730 - Medical Surgical Nursing 2
  • NSRG 2740 - Medical Surgical Nursing 3
  • NSRG 1320 - Women’s Health and Childbearing
  • NSRG 1330 - Pediatric Nursing
  • NSRG 1340 - Mental Health Nursing
  • NSRG 2240 - Professional Practice in Nursing