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ISLO (Institutional Student Learning Outcomes)

We interviewed employers and alumni about how the ISLOs fit into the business world.  They had some interesting things to say. Watch now!

ISLO represents Institutional Student Learning Outcomes - the broad skills that students are expected to learn at Chattanooga State, no matter their major. They are based on skills employers say they are looking for in employees.


Communication Skills (Written & Oral)

All communication is not equal! Communicating with your boss, your co-workers, or your customers is not the same as communicating with your friends – at least, not if you want to keep your job. You need to know how to write and speak clearly and effectively with all the people in your world, and those are skills you will learn right here.

critical thinking

Critical Thinking Skills

Employers want people who can solve problems and make improvements. This involves critical thinking – breaking complex issues into parts, keeping an eye on the purpose of what you’re doing, and making sure you get a thorough understanding of the issues before reaching a conclusion. As a matter of fact, that’s why we’re introducing you to ISLO. We thought you might like to understand why your professors are asking you to do the things they’re asking you to do.

information literacy

Information Literacy

This may come as a shock, but you can’t believe everything you read on Twitter. You need to know how to evaluate what you see and get solid information to answer those pesky questions the boss keeps pushing your way (see “Critical Thinking,” above). Think “research.” Think “library.”

global & cultural awareness

Global & Cultural Awareness

Chattanooga is great! You may never step a foot outside of Hamilton County. But you still need to understand how the rest of the world operates and how it connects to life here at home. For instance, did you know there are employers in Chattanooga from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Finland, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom? (Chattanooga Area Chamber of Commerce, 2017) Similarly, most large U.S. employers conduct business with other nations. All of these employers – and many who operate exclusively in the U.S.A – place a high value on employees who are able to communicate across cultures and respect different ways of doing things.

quantitative literacy

Quantitative Literacy

That’s a fancy term for “understanding math,” right? No, think bigger! Quantitative Literacy is a way of thinking that you will use in math class, for sure, but also in your everyday life, possibly without even being aware of it. Understanding an article on economic policy or personal finance, or even poll numbers in political campaigns, is important for finding employment and becoming an engaged citizen. It helps you sort fact from fiction and understand what is and isn't reliable information.

work ethic

Work Ethic

Hopefully, it’s not a surprise to learn that employers want you to show up on time, work hard, tell the truth, and get along with others. So while group projects may seem like a drag (from “I’d just rather do it myself and make sure it’s done right” to “Who made that guy king?”), your instructors are trying to prepare you for the real world.

competency in a specialty

Competence in a Specialty

Here’s where you get to shine and do what you like to do most. But don’t make the mistake of thinking you can do this part without all the other ISLOs. Employers want the package.


Meet ISLO. Meet Your Goals.